- Move over to [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/docs/master/) for packaging and managing dependencies
- Refactor integration tests to remove non-deterministic connection errors
- Remove support for Python 3.7, as it will be [end-of-life](https://devguide.python.org/versions/) in 3 months
- Revise Tensorflow support to 2.3+, as older versions (2.0.x - 2.2.x) only support up to Python 3.7, according to the [compatibility tables](https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source#tested_build_configurations)
- Limit support up to Python 3.10, as Tensorflow versions we support aren't available yet in Python 3.11, according to the [compatibility tables](https://www.tensorflow.org/install/source#tested_build_configurations)