What's Changed * (fix): README.md: Fix broken Python import example by C0rn3j in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-python/pull/227 * (fix): `VoiceSharingResponseModel` has optional properties by fern-api in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-python/pull/228
New Contributors * C0rn3j made their first contribution in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-python/pull/227
(fix): multipart file upload params like `voice_id` and `voide_settings` are now optional
What's Changed * (chore): update README by fern-bot in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-python/pull/207 * (fix): `save` accepts `Union[str, Iterator[bytes]]` by fern-bot in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-python/pull/210
This is a beta release for v1 of the SDK. Checkout the [migration guide](https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-python?tab=readme-ov-file#v0x-to-v1x-migration-guide) for more details!
What's Changed * feat: add key to ci by louisjoecodes in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-js/pull/113 * feat: improve e2e test coverage by louisjoecodes in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-js/pull/115 * chore: fernignore github workflows by dsinghvi in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-js/pull/118 * :herb: Fern Regeneration -- December 13, 2024 by fern-api in https://github.com/elevenlabs/elevenlabs-js/pull/120