
Latest version: v2.4.4

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Documentation and dependency fixes.

* Elex can now be run in the same virtualenv as `csvkit <http://csvkit.readthedocs.org/>`_ (206).
* Links and copyright notice in documentation updated.
* Added section about virtualenvs to install guide, courtesy of Ryan Pitts.
* Add better tests for AP request quota (203).



The 1.x release is named for `Martha Ellis Gellhorn <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Gellhorn>`_, one of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th century.

* Delegate counts (138, 194). Delegate counts can be accessed with :code:`elex delegates`.
* Rename :code:`elex.api.api` to :code:`elex.api.models` and allow model objects to be imported with statements like :code:`from elex.api import Election` (146). Python modules directly calling Elex will need to update their import statements accordingly.
* Fix duplicate IDs (176).
* Handle incorrect null/none values in some cases (173, 174, 175).
* Expand contributing / developer guide (151).
* Add recipe for filtering with jq and uploading to s3 in a single command (131).



* Tag git versions (170).
* Fix elections command (167).
* Use correct state code for county level results (164).
* Use tox to test multiple Python versions (153).
* Allow API url to be specified in environment variable (144).
* Don't sort results for performance and stability (136).
* Capture and log full API request URL in command line debugging mode (134).
* Python 3 compatibility (99).



* Fix missing vote percent in results (152).



* Add Travis CI support (101).
* Fix packaging.



First major release.

* Decided on `elex` for name (59).
* Initial tests (70, 107).
* First draft of docs (18).
* Set up http://elex.readthedocs.org/ (60).
* Handle New England states (townships and counties) (123).
* Remove date parsing (115) and dynamic field setter (117) to improve performance.

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