
Latest version: v0.5.1

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**Release date:** 2020-06-17


* **single system**
- light curve calculation of single stars with spots and pulsations

* **analytics api** *
- more user frendly analytics api
- summary outputs of fitting
- extended i/o of fitting

* **computaional** *
- TESS passband (limb darkening tables included)


- fitting light curves of over-contact binaries won't crash with missing `param` error due to invalid constraint setting on backend
- normalize lightcurves (during fitting procedure) each on its max values instead of normalization on global maximum
- MCMC penalisation in case of invalid binary system return big negative number instead of value near to 0.0
- raise `elisa.base.error.AtmosphereError` when atmosphere file not founf instead `FileNotFoundError`
- lc observation atmosphere is not hardcode to `ck04` anymore
- small spots do not cause crashes
- mcmc chain evaluator often crashed when fitting system with component filling its roche lobe, fixed by snapping
surface potential to critical potentials if they are within errors from fitted potential


**Release date:** 2020-05-27


- fitting light curves of over-contact binaries won't crash with missing `param` error due to invalid constraint setting on backend
- normalize lightcurves (during fitting procedure) each on its max values instead of normalization on global maximum
- MCMC penalisation in case of invalid binary system return big negative number instead of value near to 0.0
- raise `elisa.base.error.AtmosphereError` when atmosphere file not founf instead `FileNotFoundError`


**Release date:** 2020-01-29


- radial velocity curves orientation
- fixed requirements in setupy.py
- fixed requirements in docs


**Release date:** 2020 2020-01-17


- spots discretization managed by parent object if not specified otherwise
- valid detection of spots on over-contact neck


**Release date:** 2019-12-29


* **binary system radial velocities curves modeling**

- radial velocity curves based on movement of center of mass computed upon astro-community quantities (:math:`q`, :math:`asini`)

* **capability to compute lightcurves on several processor's cores (multiprocessing)**

- split supplied phases to `N` smaller batches (N is equal to desired processes but up to number of available cores) and computed all at once

* **fitting parameters of binary system**

- light curve fitting using ``Markov Chain Monte Carlo`` (capability to fit using standard physical parameters :math:`M_1`, :math:`M_2` or parameters used by community :math:`q` (mass ratio) and :math:`a` (semi major axis))
- light curve fitting using ``non-linear least squares`` method (capability to fit using standard physica; parameters :math:`M_1`, :math:`M_2` or parameters used by community :math:`q` (mass ratio) and :math:`a` (semi major axis))
- radial velocity fitting based on ``Markov Chain Monte Carlo`` method (standard physical parameters, :math:`M_1`, :math:`M_2`, :math:`e`, :math:`i`, :math:`{\omega}`, :math:`{\gamma}`
- radial velocity fitting based on ``non-linear least squares`` method (standard physical parameters, :math:`M_1`, :math:`M_2`, :math:`e`, :math:`i`, :math:`{\omega}`, :math:`{\gamma}`

* **more specific errors raised**

- created several different type of errors (see ``elisa.base.errors`` for more information)


- `elisa.observer.Observer.observe.lc` and `elisa.observer.Observer.observe.rv` will not raise an error in case
when parameter `phases` is `numpy.array` type
- adaptive discretization of binaries do not allow to change distretization factor out of prescribed boundaries
(it used to lead to small amount of surface points and then triangulation crashed)
- app does not crash on `phase_interval_reduce` in observer during light curve computation
if BinarySystem is not used from direct import of `BinarySystem`
- const PI multiplicator removed from output flux (still require investigation)
- app does not crash if `bolometric` passband is used
- np.int32/64 and np.float32/64 are considered as valid values on binary system initialization


**Release date:** 2019-11-06


* **binary system modeling**

- points surface generation from generalized surface potential
- triangulation (faces creation) of component`s surface points
- physical quantities (gravity, temperatures) distribution over component surface (faces)
- surface spots
- temperature pulsations effect
- light curves modeling for circular synchronous/asynchronous orbits with spotty/no-spotty components
- radial velocity curves based on movement of center of mass

* **binary system visualization**

- surface points plot
- surface wire mesh plot
- surface faces plot with visualization of distribution of physical quantities
- orbit plot
- animations of orbital motions

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