Changes - Townless and nationless thingys will no longer give errors - `Resident`, `Town` and `Nation` now have an `all` classmethod - Lists that didn't have a particular order have been replaced by sets - Fixed bugs
In v1.2 there was a bug that caused emc.Town to now work and likely emc.Nation too, this release fixes that
Changes - Fixed bug
Changes - Created documentation - Moved internal-use parameters to classmethods
Its been a while since I last updated this package so here are a couple older changes from the commit log:
- fb48cb267c3af7044fcd3369c8be2838fe9a6cde - fixed bug where async get_data whould error if it failed first try - 30f3b0bac7a45cccec2e18c1e869d38e8be939a7 - made Town case-insensitive
redone package structure so that it (hopefully) imports without errors