-------------------- * Remove trailing space for commands that don't take arguments, such as ``stats``. This was a violation of the memcached protocol.
-------------------- * CAS operations will now raise ``MemcacheIllegalInputError`` when ``None`` is given as the ``cas`` value.
-------------------- * Added IPv6 support for TCP socket connections. Note that IPv6 may be used in preference to IPv4 when passing a domain name as the host if an IPv6 address can be resolved for that domain. * ``HashClient`` now supports UNIX sockets.
-------------------- * ``HashClient`` can now be imported from the top-level ``pymemcache`` package (e.g. ``pymemcache.HashClient``). * ``HashClient.get_many()`` now longer stores ``False`` for missing keys from unavailable clients. Instead, the result won't contain the key at all. * Added missing ``HashClient.close()`` and ``HashClient.quit()``.
-------------------- * ``PooledClient`` and ``HashClient`` now support custom ``Client`` classes
-------------------- * Improve ``MockMemcacheClient`` to behave even more like ``Client``