
Latest version: v1.8.4

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- CLI:

- New command-line argument ``--clean``: If an existing simulation is loaded,
setting clean will remove any existing computed data (fields, misfit,
gradient, residuals, synthetic data) and replace the model with the
currently provided one.
- New command-line argument ``--cache`` (or as parameter ``cache`` in the
configuration file under ``[files]``): Acts as a shortcut for ``--load
--save`` using the same file name.
- Parameters for noise generation should new be provided under their own
section ``[noise_opts]``; providing them under ``[simulation]`` is
deprecated and will be removed in v1.9.0.

- Simulation:

- ``'all'`` is now the same as ``'computed'`` in ``to_file`` and ``to_dict``,
meaning the grids are stored as well.
- Deprecation: The ``'expand'``-functionality in the gridding options is
deprecated and will be removed in v1.9.0. A property-complete model has to
be provided.

- Meshes: Bumped the change of the default value for ``center_on_edge`` from
``True`` to ``False`` to v1.9.0, coinciding with the above deprecations.




- Survey: ``add_noise`` takes new a ``max_offset`` argument; receivers
responses at offsets greater than maximum offset are set to NaN (also
available through the CLI).




- Simulation: ``gradient``, ``jvec``, and ``jtvec`` new support triaxial
anisotropy (also through the CLI). As a consequence, ``gradient`` and
``jtvec`` return an ndarray of shape ``(nx, ny, nz)`` (isotropic) or
``({2;3}, nx, ny, nz)`` (VTI/HTI; triaxial), and ``jvec`` expects an ndarray
of shape ``(nx, ny, nz)`` (isotropic) or ``({1;2;3}, nx, ny, nz)``
(isotropic; VTI/HTI; triaxial).




- Meshes:

- ``construct_mesh`` and ``origin_and_widths`` take a new variable
``center_on_edge``: If ``True``, the center is put on an edge, if
``False``, it is put at the cell center. Status quo is ``True``, but the
**default will change** to ``False`` in v1.7.0. If not set, it will
currently raise a FutureWarning making the user aware of the change.
Setting ``center_on_edge`` explicitly will suppress the warning.
- Constructed grids through ``construct_mesh`` and ``origin_and_widths`` with
a defined ``seasurface`` might slightly change due to some improvements and
refactoring in the course of the above changes to the center. The changes
should not be severe.

- Simulation:

- ``gradient``: Changed slightly to use the proper adjoint (changed *only if*
the computational grids differ from the inversion grid; requires
- ``jvec``: Adjusted to work for any mapping, not only conductivity, and also
with adaptive gridding. It expects new a Fortran-ordered vector with the
shape of the model (or a vector of that size).
Gently reminder that the functions ``gradient``, ``jvec``, and ``jtvec``
are still considered *experimental*, and might change.
- New optional keyword ``tqdm_opts``. With ``False`` you can switch off the
progress bars. Alternatively one can provide a dict, which is forwarded
to ``tqdm``.

- CLI:

- Expose ``mean_noise`` and ``ntype``, in addition to ``min_offset``, to the
CLI (for adding noise); also ``plain`` (for solver), and ``center_on_edge``
(for gridding options).




- Meshes: Non-backwards compatible changes in ``construct_mesh``
(``origin_and_widths``; ``estimate_gridding_options``) when providing
``vector``'s (implemented non-backwards compatible as the old rules were not
intuitive nor logic; previous meshes can still be obtained, mostly, by
setting the parameters carefully).

- Priority-order changed to ``domain > distance > vector`` (before it was
``domain > vector > distance``).
- A provided ``vector`` is new trimmed to the corresponding domain if it is
larger than a also provided domain (from ``domain`` or ``distance``);
trimmed at the first point where
``vector <= domain[0]``, ``vector >= domain[1]``.
- A ``vector`` can new also be smaller than the defined domain, and the
domain is then filled according to the normal rules; the last cell of
``vector`` in each direction is taken as starting width for the expansion.

- Bugfixes and maintenance:

- Removed functions and modules that were deprecated in v1.2.1.
- Fixed kwargs-error when adding ``add_noise`` explicitly to
- Python 3.10 added to tests; Python 3.7 tests reduced to minimum.




CLI: Add ``remove_empty`` to parameter file; set to ``False`` by default
(pre-v1.3.1 behaviour, and therefore backwards compatible).

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