- Task: 80370 Internal testing from EEA - Filter NFR codes based on user's ldap sector. [batradav]
- Task: 82622 Bugs from Testing with CORE TEAM - 22 February * fixing go to conclusion workflow state change * fixing observation tabs after "request finalisation" * fixing file upload * fixing "Fuel is shown as some number" * fixing "Cannot delete observation" * fixing "Description flags are hard to read and select" [batradav]
- Task: 80370 Internal testing from EEA - Fixing some issues [batradav]
- Task: 82126 Fixing ReAssignCounterPartsForm and statisticsview. [batradav]
- emrt.necd.content fork - Task: 82126 Cleanup the code in order to eliminate Step1 - Task: 81680 Changes in the observation form - Task: 81679 Changes in the top tabs, ie. 2017 - Task: 80366 Creation of new metadata [batradav]