Introducing support for OHLC data (open, high, low, close).
- Implement operations in the OHLC API: ``load()``, ``latest()``.
``load_delivery_as_timeseries()``, and ``load_front_as_timeseries()``
- Add data and metadata classes for OHLC: ``OHLCField``, ``ContractPeriod``,
``Product``, ``OHLC``, ``OHLCList``, and ``Contract``.
- Add member ``Seriescontract``, which is a reference to a set by the
- Add documentation for OHLC.
- Add new curve data type: ``DataType.SCENARIO``.
- Fix runtime error in ``Seriesname()`` (``Series`` is superclass of
``Timeseries`` and ``Periodseries``).
- ``ValidationError`` exceptions occuring on the server-side didn't include
which parameter that failed due to a bug in the JSON error message parser.