All implementations
- Replace misleading tag_element method naming with tag_children `14e3d59`
- Replace wrong static tag assignment with passed parameter in tag_section `ca7d081`
- Early return, if assignment and misc refactoring in ruby implementation `aa32c16`
- Prefer single to double quotes, line continuation to append in ruby code `1dc2b5f`
- Correct stray ported python or in ruby code `743b5ff`
- Prefer unless over if not in ruby parser code `48182bf`
- Correct various ruby indentation issues `3c223e4`
- Correct missing and surplus spaces in ruby code `9d70b03`
- Use shorthand block method invocation in ruby section implementation `a976078`
- Omit redundant void parentheses on ruby method calls and definitions `3de71cc`
- Omit redundant return in obvious return scenarios `9cae9e1`
- Avoid lazy implementation/checks for unresolved elements in ruby parser `e62c0ce`
- Prefer send operator over scope operator in ruby errors generators `21230fc`
- Fix wrong missing proxy target class instantiation in section accessor `618ecc7`
- Remove redundant value accessor base implementation in field `d169550`
- Freeze all constant arrays, hashes and regexes in ruby implementation `958f650`
- Add frozen_string_literal magic string throughout all ruby files `6a8d44e`
0.5.1 (python only)
- Fix faulty checks for lazily defined members in element implementation `b07c035ec`
- Fix mutable default value anti-pattern in python resolver code `844a74c`
- Fix accidental assignment of constant key instead of constant value `541403d`
- In tests, compare deserialized structure instead of serialized yaml (Massimo Redaelli) `77116b7`
- Remove unused closure in register implementation `ae74ad0`
- Avoid shadowing selection helper in missing value error builder `5e53064`
- Avoid overriding range built-in/clarify arguments in selection helper `ba5462b`
- Simplify simple if/else scenarios with early returns `8a64f31`
- Avoid globally overriding list built-in with module imports `d0e34f5`
- Avoid overriding map built-in in entries/elements access/initialisation `3c9e608d`
- Define obligatory context members at initialization time `35a1b06`
- Remove unneeded python module imports `e882dff`
- Define reusable make target for noise-reduced python linting `7d50200`