
Latest version: v0.4.2

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This update change every naming or label called "panel" to "enterprise"

from v0.4.0 you need to make sure you change some of things bellow:
- importing libs should be: enterprise.blablabla instead of panel.blablabla
- egg name should be enterprise (egg=enterprise) in pip requirement
- calling label should be from enterprise
- calling local should be from enterprise


- Added transaction module to structures
- Added flag to determine user verification is sent or not


This release contains work to build base structures of www and panel/dashboard app

So in this release, i would like to call this repository as base_core-django because some various libraries has been added to make you easier to build an enterprise system using django

This release includes:

- Notable libraries like:
- ProtectedMixin
A library that handle your view permission based on django group of permission

- TrackerMixin
A library that handle your visitor tracking in each view

- Rest Module base library
bunch of libraries that will useful if you want to build a rest api

- Base Apps that u will use in every development:
- Authentication
Don't worry about register, login, email verification etc. We handle it

- Tracker
App to track your visitor, a TrackerMixin viewer

- SuperUser
You want to manage another user inside your system? groups, permission, you name it. the super user app can handle it

- The Structures
Structure holds models and admins of django

- Authentication
- Common
- Integration
- Tracker





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