
Latest version: v0.2.4

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.. _Semantic Versioning: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html

Categories for changes are: Added, Changed, Deprecated, Removed, Fixed, Security.



Release date: 2023-11-24

- Fixed: a fill value is now explicitly set to each `np.ma.masked_array`. If not (previous behavior) numpy would interfere a fill value that would often not be the no-data type of the raster. In the forthcoming release of EOdal, the fill-value will now equal the nodata value.
- Fixed: the inference of the highest data type in a `RasterCollection` has been improved and extended to all `INT`, `FLOAT`, and `COMPLEX` data types currently supported by numpy. In the previous version, all data types were cast to `numpy.float32` or even `numpy.float64` leading to an unnecessary high consumption of memory.
- Fixed: the `scale` and `offset` parameters are now correctly written to the file metadata when exporting a `Band` or `RasterCollection` object. In previous versions of EOdal, the information about this two attributes was not written to output. Also, the way scale and offset are applied, is now consistent with `QGIS` meaning that raster files created by EOdal will be shown with correct scale and offset in QGIS (QGIS applies them on the fly when displaying the raster data)
- Ffixed: the no-data type is strictly checked for consistency of the data type of the band data (e.g., to avoid that `nan` is used for integer arrays, which will produce an error)
- Added: `eodal.core.raster.RasterCollection.to_rasterio()` now takes an optional argument `as_cog` allowing to save datasets as Cloud-Optimized GeoTiffs (COG)
- Changed: the CREODIAS API endpoints were updated
- Added: 2FA now enforced by CREODIAS has been implemented using `pyotp` to sign requests to get a keycloak token required to download datasets
- Fixed: the download functionality has been made more robust by adding try-excepts blocks and enhanced logging of errors.



Release date: 2023-08-19

- Added: Full support for USGS Landsat Collection-2 data given access to data >50 years of data starting with Landsat-1 (66).
- Changed: The spectral index module has undergone some flexibilization efforts. Now, custom bands can be passed for index calculation.
- Fixed: Calls to new `pydantic_settings` have been added where necessary to provide compatability with `pydantic` version 2.+ (73).
- Added: The mapper now also supports merging (mosaicing) of scenes with slightly different time stamps as it often happens with EO platforms when scenes are acquired one after another. It works by calling `pandas.Timestamp.round` on the scene metadata time column.
- Fixed: A set of deprecation warnings from `pydantic`, `matplotlib` and `shapely`.



Release date: 2023-06-05

- Fixed: Small bugs when loading the EOdal SceneCollection from a pickled binary object (thanks to atoparseks) (55).
- Fixed: The color of no-data values of RasterCollection objects is now set to black (instead of white) when plotting the data (56).
- Added: The user can now specify a custom color map when plotting RasterCollection objects (56).
- Changed: The user can now specify a custom directory for writing log files to (52).
- Added: The MapperConfigs record the data source from which satellite data was read (62).
- Fixed: A work-around using HTTP retries has been implemented to surpass HTTP 500 errors when connecting to MS Planetary Computer (58).
- Fixed: All scenes in a SceneCollection returned from the mapper now share the same spatial extent and are aligned on a common reference grid (important for re-projections) (64).



Release date: 2023-04-03

- Added: the new EOdal Mapper class has been fully implemented and replaces the old mapper version. Scripts calling the Mapper must be updated.
- Removed: the previous EOdal Mapper class. The enitre eodal.operational sub-package has been deprecated.
- Removed: the sub-package called eodal.operational.cli has been deprecated. Some useful scripts have been ported to the `scripts` folder in the main directory of the EOdal git repository.
- Changed: The EOdal pystac client has been re-designed to provide a higher level of generalization. Still, future changes might apply.
- Fixed: SceneCollection.get_feature_timeseries() had several bugs. Thanks to atoparseks the code has been cleaned up, made simpler and works now with custom functions for computing user-defined zonal statistical metrics.
- Fixed: Several small bugs in the core module with varying levels of severity.
- Fixed: The map algebra operators for Band and RasterCollection objects lacked support of right-handed sided expression (e.g., `2 + Band` instead of `Band +2`). This issue has been fixed by overwriting also the [r]ight-handed built-in operators such `radd` as the right-handed equivalent of `add`.
- Changed: The README has been updated and now also includes information about the data model in EOdal.



Release date: 2022-12-13

- Fixed: Band.clip() now has a optional keyword "full_bounding_box_only" (default: False) allowing to mask pixels outside the feature geometry.
- Fixed: Calculation of bounding box in image coordinates was partly incorrect, we now use the same approach as rasterstats and rasterio do.
- Fixed: Sentinel.mask_clouds_and_shadows() default SCL classes were updated so that everything but SCL classes 4 and 5 are masked by default.
- Added: SceneCollection now also allows clipping to a feature geometry (SceneCollection.clip_scenes())

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