Breaking Changes
- **BREAKING CHANGES: `Optical` becomes `Spectral` when more appropriate**
- **BREAKING CHANGES: `Platform` and `Sensor` become `Constellation` when more appropriate, to fit STAC vocabulary** ([29](
- `Platform` enum becomes `Constellation`
- `prod.platform` becomes `prod.constellation`
- `prod.sat_id` becomes `prod.constellation_id`
- **BREAKING CHANGES: File `alias` is removed, replaced by `*_bands` files and proper imports in `bands.__init__`**
- **BREAKING CHANGES: Product attribute `band_names` becomes `bands` in order to be STAC compliant ([29](**
- **BREAKING CHANGES: Better use of `NIR` and `NARROW_NIR` in the `indices` file (according to the gsd of `Sentinel-2` bands composing the indices)**
- **BREAKING CHANGES: Correcting Landsat product types to better manage processing levels and instrument. Landsat-8/9 condensed name may change!**
- **ENH: Adding the support of `SkySat` (Collect) products** ([20](
- **ENH: Bands in mapping are now objects, instead of just IDs** ([29]( This allows us to:
- Add band metadata (such as center wavelength, bandwidth...)
- Map spectral bands between STAC spec and EOReader format ([29](
- Add a better `__repr__` functions
- **ENH: Handling 8 bands `PlanetScope` data** ([20](
- **ENH: Adding the `GREEN1` mapped band, corresponding to PlanetScope `GREEN I` and `Sentinel-3 OLCI` `Oa05` band**
- **ENH: Handle some slightly broken `Sentinel-2` products:**
- when the metadata files are corrupted or when the detfoo vectors are empty ([34](
- with missing MSK prefix for QI_DATA files (i.e. `DETFOO` instead of `MSK_DETFOO`)
- **ENH: Handle exception for corrupted bands (in `Sentinel-2` and ``) ([34](**
- **ENH: Add a STAC object that can be used to retrieve STAC Items from every Product (`prod.stac.create_item()`) ([29](**
- **ENH: Add a `get_mean_viewing_angles` for Optical Products to fill STAC View Extension ([29](**
- **ENH: Extending `get_raw_band_paths` to every product ([31](**
- **ENH: Adding a `is_ortho` attribute corresponding to when the product is already orthorectified/geocoded, in order to avoid computing heavy processes without wanting it (i.e. footprint...)**
- **ENH: Adding the instrument name of every constellation, under `prod.instrument`**
- **ENH: Handling `COSMO` product with only the `h5` file in it (if missing XML metadata file)** ([36](
- OPTIM: Retrieve name from filename if possible
- OPTIM: Retrieve extent from metadata when possible (for VHR data)
Bug Fixes
- FIX: Fixing the band mapping of `WorldView-2/3 Multi` (8 bands)
- FIX: Retrieval (if possible) of Sentinel-1 [unique ID]( (was missing from the product name, as it is not in
the product preview)
- FIX: Fixing PAZ/TDX MTD regex
- FIX: Optical products: Only set cloud cover and radiometry attributes if spectral bands are asked
- INTERNAL: File `spot_6` and `spot_7` are removed, replaced by a unique `spot` file. This shouldn't affect the user.
- INTERNAL: Refactoring Landsat-XX products into `LandsatProduct`, this should be invisible for user.
- INTERNAL: Some refactoring in `VHR` files
- WARNINGS: Filter warnings from `__init__`
- CI: Do not process two times the zipped Sentinel-1 in end-to-end tests and manage when the runner kills SNAP
- DOC: Adding a STAC notebook
- DOC: Various updates