
Latest version: v3.2.1

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Improves user instructions, adds checks when running `--init`, and provides more control over logging.

Big thanks to msafadieh for improving `--quiet` mode.


57 - `quiet` mode now has quieter (`-qq`) and silent (`-qqq`) modes to suppress logging - msafadieh
59 - check and provide advice when users enter data in wrong format when using `--init` - hughrun

Bug fixes

59 - fix upgrade message in `--version` being incorrect - hughrun


Finally, you can install and update `ephemetoot` directly from pypi using `pip`!

Version 3 is packaged using [poetry](https://python-poetry.org) and available [on pypi](https://pypi.org/project/ephemetoot).

Nearly all of the changes in Version 3 are 'plumbing':

- install from pypi using `pip install ephemetoot`
- now includes test suite
- new and improved docs at [ephemetoot.hugh.run](https://ephemetoot.hugh.run)
- `--init` flag guides users through creating a config file
- `--verbose` flag provide more information about errors
- improved error and console messages

Check out the docs for more information.


pip install ephemetoot


pip uninstall ephemetoot
pip install ephemetoot

or, if you accidentally installed version 2.6.1 already:

pip install --upgrade ephemetoot


This release incorporates a full test suite, but no new features.

Primarily this release is about 'plumbing'. Contributors should notice the code base is easier to understand, but end-users should notice no real change compared to the alpha 3 release.


This is an 'alpha' pre-release for version 3.

it probably works, but there are no guarantees. Version 3 moves installation to `PyPi` and therefore we can no longer rely on certain files existing (`config-example.yaml` and `ephemetoot.scheduler.plist`, specifically).


If you are already using ephemetoot you need to uninstall your current version:

pip3 uninstall ephemetoot

This is a pre-release so you will need to specify the exact version to install from PyPi:


- There is now a `--init` flag that can be used to guide new users through the creation of a config file.
- `ephemetoot` can now be installed from PyPi using `pip3 install ephemetoot`

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