* In addition to the record pages, `eprints2archives` now also harvests general URLs from the server, including the top-level URL and `/view` and 2 levels of pages underneath it. However, if a subset of records is requested, only gets those particular `/view/X/N.html` pages rather than all pages under `/view/X/`.
* Internal changes allow it to use protocol HTTP/2, which was necessary to communicate with Archive.Today (because it appears to have stopped accepting save requests unless HTTP2 is used).
* Now tries to add `https://` or `http://` if the user forgets to provide it, and also removes `/eprint` and adds `/rest` if needed. This makes it possible for the user to just provide a host name and `eprints2archives` will figure out the rest.
* Minor improvements to some of the run-time status messages.
* More progress bars!
* Improvements to debug logging.
* Improvements to README.md.
* Internal code refactoring.