* Fixed issue 9: out-of-order id lists are ignored.
* Added fix by [Tom Morrell](https://github.com/tmorrell) to `files.py` for when output is in the current directory.
* Changed the debug option `-` to accept an argument for where to send the debug output trace. The behavior change of `-` is not backward compatible.
* Internally, package metadata is now stored in `setup.cfg`. Also, there is no `eprints2bags/__version__.py` anymore, and instead, some special code in `eprints2bags/__init__.py` extracts package-level variables directly from the installation created by `pip`.
* Redesigned the icon for `eprints2bags` to tie into Eprints a little bit better.
* Changed Caltech logo used on the bottom of the README.md file. The previous logo is only approved by Caltech for use in certain official contexts.
* Fixed various small errors in the README.md file.
* Released on PyPI.