- Fixed issue with SynchronousDynamics - Added cookbook recipe on keeping access to the end-state network
- Added network statistics collection as a process - Refactored Process and Dynamics so that the dynamics maintains the working copy of the network rather than the process - Added process sequence combinator - Added tutorial on sequencing vs sub-classing processes - Fixed bug in Monitor that only appeared when sequencing
- Refactored Percolate process to allow specialisation of behaviour for occupied and unoccupied edges
- Refactored Dynamics to introduce NetworkExperiment, where there's no process per se - Added powerlaw-with-cutoff as a standard network generator - Added Newman-Ziff algorithms for exploring percolation - Very basic Newman-Ziff tests, need significant work - Added script to create percolation diagrams
- Added percolation process - Backported to support versions of Python from 3.6, and hence also PyPy3
- Removed support for Python 3.6 and 3.7 (since we need the annotations future and types features only supported from Python 3.8)