
Latest version: v0.5.0

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* Fix bug with \_group_process that resulted in stalled processes.
* Force NumPy version
* Support indexing of Tribe and Party objects by template-name.
* Add tests for lag-calc issue with preparing data
* Change internals of *eqcorrscan.core.lag_calc._prepare_data* to use a
dictionary for delays, and to work correctly! Issues arose from not checking
for masked data properly and not checking length properly.
* Fix bug in match_filter.match_filter when checking for equal length traces,
length count was one sample too short.


* Increase test coverage (edge-cases) in template_gen;
* Fix bug in template_gen.extract_from_stack for duplicate channels in
* Increase coverage somewhat in bright_lights, remove non-parallel
option (previously only used for debugging in development);
* Increase test coverage in lag_calc;
* Speed-up tests for brightness;
* Increase test coverage for match_filter including testing io of
* Increase subspace test coverage for edge cases;
* Speed-up catalog_to_dd_tests;
* Lag-calc will pick S-picks on channels ending E, N, 1 and 2, change
from only picking on E and N before; warning added to docs;
* Add full tests for pre-processing;
* Run tests in parallel on ci, speed-up tests dramatically;
* Rename singular-value decomposition functions (with depreciation
* Rename SVD_moments to lower-case and add depreciation warning;
* Increase test coverage in utils.mag_calc;
* Add Template, Tribe, Family, Party objects and rename DETECTION to
* Template objects maintain meta-data associated with their creation
to stream-line processing of data (e.g. reduce chance of using the
wrong filters).
* Template events have a detect method which takes unprocessed data
and does the correct processing using the Template meta-data, and
computes the matched-filter detections.
* Tribe objects are containers for multiple Templates.
* Tribe objects have a detect method which groups Templates with
similar meta-data (processing information) and runs these templates
in parallel through the matched-filter routine. Tribe.detect outputs
a Party of Family objects.
* The Party object is a container for many Family objects.
* Family objects are containers for detections from the same
* Family and Party objects have a lag_calc method which computes
the cross-correlation pick-refinements.
* The upshot of this is that it is possible to, in one line,
generate a Tribe of templates, compute their matched-filter
detections, and generate cross-correlation pick refinements, which
output Event objects, which can be written to a catalog:
Tribe.construct(method, **kwargs).detect(st, **kwargs).lag_calc(**kwargs).write()
* Added 25 tests for these methods.
* Add parameters *threshold_type* and *threshold_input* to Detection
class. Add support for legacy Detection objects via NaN and unset
* Removed support for obspy < 1.0.0
* Update / correct doc-strings in template-gen functions when describing
processing parameters.
* Add warning message when removing channels from continuous data in
* Add min_snr option for template generation routines, if the
signal-to-noise ratio is below a user-defined threshold, the channel
will not be used.
* Stop enforcing two-channel template channel names.
* Fix bug in detection_multiplot which didn't allow streams with
fewer traces than template;
* Update internals to custom C fftw-based correlation rather than openCV (Major change);
* OpenCV has been removed as a dependancy;
* eqcorrscan.core.match_filter.normxcorr2 now calls a compiled C routine;
* Parallel workflows handled by openMP rather than Python Multiprocessing
for matched-filter operations to allow better memory handling.
* It is worth noting that we tried re-writing using SciPy internals
which led to a significant speed-up, but with high memory costs,
we ended up going with this option, which was the more difficult
option, because it allows effective use on SLURM managed systems
where python multiprocessing results in un-real memory spikes
(issue 88).

* See 0.2.4: these versions were not fully released while trying to get
anaconda packages to build properly.


* Fix bug introduced in version 0.1.5 for match_filter where looping
through multiple templates did not correctly match image and template
data: 0.1.5 fix did not work;
* Bug-fix in catalog_to_dd for events without magnitudes;
* Amend match-filter to not edit the list of template names in place.
Previously, if a template was not used (due to no matching continuous
data) then the name of the template was removed: this now copies the
list of template_names internally and does not change the external list.


* Migrate coverage to codecov;
* Fix bug introduced in version 0.1.5 for match_filter where looping
through multiple templates did not correctly match image and template


* Bug-fix in plot_repicked removed where data were not normalized
* Bug-fix in lag_calc where data were missing in the continuous data
fixed (this led to incorrect picks, **major bug!**);
* Output cross-channel correlation sum in lag-calc output;
* Add id to DETECTION objects, which is consistent with the events
within DETECTION objects and catalog output, and used in lag_calc to
allow linking of detections to catalog events;
* Add lots of logging and error messages to lag-calc to ensure user
understands limits;
* Add error to day-proc to ensure user is aware of risks of padding;
* Change utils.pre_processing.process to accept different length of
data enforcement, not just full day (allow for overlap in processing,
which might be useful for reducing day start and end effects);
* Bug-fix in mag_calc.amp_pick_event, broke loop if data were missing;
* Lots of docs adjustment to sort order of doc-strings and hyper-links;
* Allow multiple uses of the same channel in templates (e.g. you can
now use a template with two windows from the same channel, such as a P
and an S);
* Add evaluation mode filter to utils.catalog_utils.filter_picks;
* Update subspace plot to work when detector is not partitioned;
* Make tests run a little faster;
* Add pep8 testing for all code.

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