_Released 2020-05-18_
* Support for escaped identifiers in fields using \`backtick\` syntax
* Implemented three-value logic for boolean and null handling
* Migrate python tests to TOML files
* Optimization rule for inverting comparisons (`not (x <= y)` ==> `x > y`)
* (Internal) AST nodes for `IsNull`/`IsNotNull`
* (Internal) Changed the type system to use TypeHint/TypeFoldCheck/NodeInfo instead of tuples
* Treat wildcards the same on the left and right side of `==` or `!=`
* Removed forced float division (now `3 / 2` ==> `1` instead of `1.5`)
* Made `<`, `<=`, `>=`, `>` perform case-insensitive string comparisons
* Boolean optimizations: `x and true and y` is correctly converted to `x and y`
* DeMorgan logic for expanding `not` nodes
* Deprecated sequence units besides `d`,`h`,`m`,`s`,`ms`
* Fractional sequence intervals
* Requirements.txt and moved into `setup.py`