1. The `compare_m2.py` evaluation script was refactored to make it easier to use.
2. We tweaked the alignment code and merging rules to not only make ERRANT ~700% faster, but also slightly more accurate.
Specifically, we simplified the lemma cost to not repeatedly call the lemmatiser for different parts-of-speech, and also replaced the character cost with python's native `difflib.SequenceMatcher` instead of a character based Damerau-Levenshtein alignment.
This significantly increased the speed, but also slightly decreased performance (~0.5 F1 worse), so we additionally revisited the merging rules. The new implementation now processes the largest combinations of adjacent non-matches first, instead of processing one alignment at a time, and now also features some new or slightly modified rules (see `scripts/align_text.py` for more information).
The differences between the old and new version are summarised in the following table.
| Dataset | Sents | Setting | P | R | F1 | Time<br>(secs) |
| FCE Dev | 2371 | Old<br>New | 82.77<br>84.00 | 85.22<br>85.52 | 83.98<br>**84.75** | 260<br>**40** |
| FCE Test | 2805 | Old<br>New | 83.88<br>85.17 | 85.84<br>85.93 | 84.85<br>**85.55** | 300<br>**45** |
| FCE Train | 30200 | Old<br>New | 82.69<br>84.06 | 85.12<br>85.38 | 83.89<br>**84.72** | 2965<br>**340** |
| CoNLL-2013 | 1381 | Old<br>New | 82.64<br>83.27 | 82.45<br>82.24 | 82.54<br>**82.75** | 315<br>**45** |
| CoNLL-2014.0 | 1312 | Old<br>New | 78.48<br>79.02 | 80.38<br>80.18 | 79.42<br>**79.59** | 350<br>**45** |
| CoNLL-2014.1 | 1312 | Old<br>New | 82.50<br>84.04 | 82.73<br>82.85 | 82.61<br>**83.44** | 385<br>**50** |
| NUCLE | 57151 | Old<br>New | 70.14<br>73.20 | 80.27<br>81.16 | 71.95<br>**76.97** | 7565<br>**725** |