- Add rules for commands:
- | core:
| $$ (TeX command for display math mode),
| \\textemdash, \\textendash, \\eqnarray,
| \\centering, \\raggedleft, \\raggedright, \\shortstack,
| \\noalign, \\indent, \\noindent,
| \\thepart, \\thechapter, \\thesection, \\thesubsection,
| \\thesubsubsection, \\theparagraph, \\thesubparagraph, \\thepage,
| \\thefigure, \\thetable, \\thefootnote, \\thempfootnote, \\theequation,
| \\theenumi, \\theenumii, \\theenumiii, \\theenumiv
- | acro:
| \\acroifT, \\acroifF, \\acroifbooleanT, \\acroifbooleanF,
| \\acroifallT, \\acroifallF, \\acroifanyT, \\acroifanyF,
| \\acroiftagT, \\acroiftagF, \\acroifstarredT, \\acroifstarredF,
| \\acroifusedT, \\acroifusedF, \\acroiffirstT, \\acroiffirstF,
| \\acroifsingleT, \\acroifsingleF, \\acroifchapterT, \\acroifchapterF,
| \\acroifpagesT, \\acroifpagesF,
| \\acronymsmap, \\acronymsmapT, \\acronymsmapF,
| \\NewAcroTemplate, \\RenewAcroTemplate,
| \\SetupAcroTemplate, \\SetupNextAcroTemplate
- | amsmath:
| \\allowdisplaybreaks
- | apacite:
| \\APACaddressInstitution, \\APACbVolEdTR, \\BNUM, \\BNUMS, \\BPG,
- | caption:
| \\caption*, \\captionof, \\captionlistentry, \\captionsetup,
| \\clearcaptionsetup, \\showcaptionsetup
- | cleveref:
| \\cref, \\Cref, \\crefrange, \\Crefrange, \\cpageref, \\Cpageref,
| \\cpagerefrange, \\Cpagerefrange, \\namecref, \\nameCref,
| \\namecrefs, \\nameCrefs, \\lcnamecref, \\lcnamecrefs,
| \\labecref, \\labecpageref, \\crefalias, \\crefname, \\label
- | drdc class:
| \\equalauthormark, \\makeinitializedauthors
- | etoolbox:
| \\newrobustcmd, \\renewrobustcmd, \\providerobustcmd,
| \\robustify, \\protecting, \\defcounter, \\deflength,
| \\AfterPreamble, \\AtEndPreamble, \\AfterEndPreamble,
| \\AfterEndDocument, \\AtBeginEnviroment, \\AtEndEnvironment,
| \\BeforeBeginEnvironment, \\AfterEndEnvironment
- | fancyvrb:
| \\DefineVerbatimEnvironment, \\RecustomVerbatimEnvironment,
| \\CustomVerbatimCommand, \\RecustomVerbatimCommand,
| \\SaveVerb, \\UseVerb, \\UseVerbatim, \\BUseVerbatim, \\LUseVerbatim,
| \\VerbatimInput, \\BVerbatimInput, \\LVerbatimInput, \\fvset
- | fixme:
| \\fxsetup
- | floatrow:
| \\floatsetup, \\newfloatcommand, \\renewfloatcommand,
| \\floatbox, \\fcapside, \\ffigbox, \\ttabbox
- | graphics/graphicx:
| \\resizebox, \\rotatebox
- | siunitx:
| \\num, \\numlist, \\numproduct, \\numrange, \\tablenum,
| \\unit, \\qty, \\qtylist, \\qtyproduct, \\qtyrange,
| \\ang, \\complexnum, \\complexqty,
| \\si, \\SI, \\SIlist, \\SIproduct, \\SIrange,
| \\DeclareSIUnit, \\DeclareSIPrefix,
| \\DeclareSIPower, \\DeclareSIQualifier
- | xcolor:
| \\definecolors, \\definecolorset, \\colorlet,
| \\providecolor, \\providecolors, \\providecolorset,
| \\color, \\mathcolor, \\pagecolor, \\textcolor,
| \\colorbox, \\fcolorbox, \\boxframe
- Add rules for environments:
- | fancyvrb:
| Verbatim, BVerbatim, LVerbatim, SaveVerbatim
- Change name of application from DeLaTeXify to ERRERS. Change suffix of output
files from "dy" to "err". Update icon. Rename "conversion" as "extraction".
- Create automatic rules for environments created using \\newenvironment and
\\renewenvironment commands.
- Create automatic rules for \\the... commands of new counters.
- Amend rules for tikzpicture so labels defined using label and pin options are
also kept.
- When an exception is raised, log location in hierarchy of rules and patterns,
if applicable.
- Add vertical space between input and output fields in GUI. Set background of
input field to white, and write "Click here to select input file." into the
field when a file has not yet been selected.
- In GUI, label "Extract" button as "Error" rather than "Done" when an error
- Add "location" phase to extraction, applied when files are read and
responsible for taking note of location of LaTeX command definitions (file
name and line number).
- When creating rules automatically for LaTeX commands, add a rule that uses
default value of optional argument when appropriate.
- Omit Microsoft Visual Studio files from bundled application. This requires
the installation of either Visual Studio or "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015
Redistributable" package to run application.
- Keep atomic groups and possessive quantifiers in patterns and substitution
rules when using re module with Python 3.11.5 or later. (They were previously
kept only when using the regex module.)
- Process optional argument of \\definecolor.
- Fix bug that led to node labels with more than one level of internal curly
brackets to being dropped when using re module.
- Fix bug that led to erroneous removal of bracketed content immediately
following \\begin{figure} or \\begin{table}.
- Move rule for \\i before accents rules to allow proper composition.
- Catch and log error when attempting to insert secondary file into main LaTeX
document read from memory.
- Replace %C placeholder by %c after optional %s to avoid matching opening
square bracket when using re module and mandatory argument contains more than
one level of internal curly brackets. Similarly replace %C by %c in rules for
tikzpicture environment.
- In DRDC documents, omit pre-defined values for future distribution (such as
goc, dnd, and drdc).
- In DRDC documents, add space after establishment name in list of authors.
- Wrap input path when longer than width of input field.
- Accept optional version argument of \\usepackage command, which comes after
the package name.
- In rule for \\hypersetup command, allow spaces before equal sign in key-value
pairs. Also recognize a larger number of keywords.
- Fix bug in automatic creation of rules for LaTeX commands with optional
- Fix bug in \\newcounter rule (leftover Vim regular-expression specifier).
- While the %n placeholder matches at most one newline character, allow it to
match an arbitrary number of lines composed solely of comments.
- Remove white space from around the argument of \\footnote, \\footnotetext,
\\marginpar, and \\thanks commands, as well as the commenting commands of the
fixme package, before placing it in parentheses.
- Fix bug in \\tbl rule for interact document class.
- In booktabs package, make trimming argument of \\cmidrule command optional.