**Breaking Changes**
Yeah. I know. It's not semver, but I don't care. This is a needed improvement, and I'm the only one
using this so far as I know, so it shouldn't affect anyone in a big way.
* ``Builder`` now will not work unless you provide either a ``configdict`` or ``configfile``. It will
read and verify a YAML ``configfile`` if provided without needing to do any other steps now.
* ``Builder.client_args`` is not a dictionary any more, but a subclass with regular attributes.
Yes, you can get and set attributes however you like now:
.. code-block:: python
b = Builder(configdict=mydict, autoconnect=False)
print('Provided hosts = %s' % b.client_args.hosts)
b.client_args.hosts = ['https://sub.domain.tld:3456']
print('Updated hosts = %s' % b.client_args.hosts)
Yes, this will effectively change the entry for ``hosts`` and connect to it instead of whatever was provided.
You can still get a full ``dict`` of the client args with ``Builder.client_args.asdict()``
* ``Builder.other_args`` (reading in ``other_settings`` from the config) now works the same as
``Builder.client_args``. See the above for more info.
* Add new classes ``ClientArgs`` and ``OtherArgs``. Using classes like these make setting defaults,
updates, and changes super simple. Now everything is an attribute! And it's still super simple
to get a ``dict`` of settings back using ``ClientArgs.asdict()`` or ``OtherArgs.asdict()``. This
change makes it super simple to create this kind of object, override settings from a default or
command-line options, and then export a ``configdict`` based on these objects to ``Builder``, as
you can see in the new sample script ``cli_example.py`` for overriding a config file with
command-line settings.
* Added *sample* CLI override capacity using ``click``. This will make Curator and other projects
easier. It's not even required, but a working example helps show the possibilities. You can
run whatever you like with ``click``, or stick with config files, or whatever floats your boat.
* The above change also means pulling in ``click`` as a dependency.
* Moved some methods out of ``Builder`` to be functions in ``es_client.helpers.utils`` instead.
* Updated tests to work with all of these changes, and added new ones for new functions.