This is the beginning of the changelog. Previously made commits have not been
tracked, and there are no plans to distinguish them. You may consider this
the initial commit.
- Added Poetry files and build system
- Added a Lorem Ipsum example text snippet
- Added GitHub Actions
- Added autonatic PyPI releases
- Added 'clear' as a built-in formatting option
- Added a `Makefile`
- Added docstrings thorought the package
- The releases are now built on the latest version of Ubuntu, using Python 3.9
- `` now has more content, including example usage
- Default colours are now available from the top level of the package
(eg. `escapyde.FRED` instead of `escapyde.colours.FRED`)
- Updated the localisation files
- Fixed an oversight related to chaining ANSI escape sequences
- Fixed linter issues
[Reddit escape format]:
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MD022: Blanks around headings
MD024: No duplicate headings
MD030: Spaces after list markers
MD032: Blanks around lists