* New command `esmecata_create_db` to create database from different output folders of esmecata (`from_runs`).
* Full release of `esmecata precomputed` associated with the first version of [esmecata precomputed database](
* Option threshold (`-t`) to precomputed.
* Add `--gseapyCutOff` option to `gseapy_enrichr`.
* A check after database creation to detect taxon with few predicted proteins compared to higher affiliated taxon.
* Check the good format of the gzip file.
* Header `KEGG_reaction` in annotation_reference from `annotation_uniprot` to avoid issues with `esmecata_create_db`.
* Issue with protein IDs from UniParc during annotation (incorrect split on '|').
* Fix issue in `get_taxon_obs_name` function.
* Issues in test.
* Add database version in log.
* Rename `` into ``, to better reflect what is done.
* Update workflow figure.
* Update readme.
* Update article_data folder and the associated readme.