
Latest version: v2.12.0

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Please see the [changelog]( for release notes.


Please see the [changelog]( for release notes.


Please see the [changelog]( for release notes.


This release includes

Bug fixes
- Fix case of no zero crossings for QBO metric computation (1290) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Cmorizer wrapper now uses the in-built logger configuration and outputs stdout to out and stderr to err (1514) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Took out fx_files from recipe albedolandcover (1521) [bascrezee](
- Fix monthly time for era-interim-land (1504) [bascrezee](

- Quantilebias working for only a single dataset (1511) [Jost von Hardenberg](
- Added more plotting and saving options for recipe validation (1490) [Valeriu Predoi](
- eWaterCycle: Add recipe to prepare input for PCR-GlobWB (1349) [Jaro Camphuijsen](
- Fix hard-coded path in recipe_runoff_et.yml (1526) [Mattia Righi](
- eWaterCycle: Add recipe to prepare input for HYPE (1334) [Inti Pelupessy](
- Miles: fill occasional missing values (1528) [Jost von Hardenberg](
- Upgrade pcrglob recipe and diagnostic. (1531) [Peter Kalverla](
- Changes to zmNAM diagnostic (1540) [fserva](
- Replace extract_slice with extract_transect in (1569) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Add SeaIce Drift metric (1079) [Javier Vegas-Regidor](

- Better default configuration (1509) [Bouwe Andela](
- Documentation: added running pro tips (1317) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Remove mention of obsolete mailing list. (1556) [Björn Brötz](

Observational and re-analysis dataset support
- Add CMORizer for MAC-LWP (1507) [Birgit Hassler](
- Add CMORizer for CALIPSO-GOCCP (1524) [Axel Lauer](
- ERA5 CMORization by recipe (1432) [Peter Kalverla](
- Add CMORizer for MLS (hur, hurStderr) (1508) [Manuel Schlund](
- Add CMORizer for Era-Interim va and ta daily data (1544) [Evgenia Galytska](
- Add CMORizer for gpcc (1550) [mwjury](
- Add CMORizer for cowtan way (1552) [mwjury](
- Add CMORizer for CDS-SATELLITE-ALBEDO (1541) [bascrezee](

- Convert reference entries to bibtex files (1498) [SarahAlidoost](
- Add communities and grant to zenodo file (1512) [Mattia Righi](
- Fix broken recipes and tests due to new ESMValCore release v2.0.6b (1523) [Peter Kalverla](
- Change order of julia packages (1535) [Jost von Hardenberg](
- replaced 1:length(x) by seq_len statements (1489) [chrisdane](
- Use Julia environment for running Julia diagnostics (1557) [Bouwe Andela](
- Increase version to v2.0.0b3 (1568) [Bouwe Andela](


This release includes

- Use master as the default branch (1483, 1484, 1487) [Bouwe Andela](
- Add DOIs and paper to documentation (1309, 1327) [Mattia Righi](
Add example recipe that extracts a region based on shapefile (1318) [Bouwe Andela](
- Add plots to quantile bias diagnostic (1230) [Enrico Arnone](
- Improve quantile bias documentation (1428) [Jost von Hardenberg](
- Add pcrglobwb preprocessing script for eWaterCycle (1270) [Bouwe Andela](
- Add a tool to test diagnostic script settings (764) [Bouwe Andela](
- Re-implement RainFARM diagnostic in pure Julia (1242, 1321) [Jost von Hardenberg](
- Pull request templates (1315, 1324, 1397, 1357) [Jaro Camphuijsen](
- Reorder recipe perfmetrics diagnostics to optimize runtime (1326) [Mattia Righi](
- Update getting started docs for new users (1330) [Peter9192](
- Fix Flato et al., 2013, IPCC, Fig 9.8 (1319) [Lisa Bock](
- Upgrade to lintr 2, update R style guide and add recommendation for styler (1355) [Bouwe Andela](
- Fix provenance of recipe perfmetrics(1090) [Mattia Righi](
- Add recipe collins13ipcc (1310) [Ruth Lorenz](
- Fix on CVDP to distinguish inputdata with the same dataset name (1376) [Björn Brötz](
- Fix to cvdp that data are not overwritten but there for all datasets (1387) [katjaweigel](
- multimodel_products diagnostic: added manual option for colorbar (1368) [Axel Lauer](
- Port flato13ipcc_9_14 to v2.0 (1183) [Klaus Zimmermann](
- Add recipe sea ice (888) [DSenftleben](
- Fixed bug in seaice_tsline.ncl: legend_outside (1408) [Axel Lauer](
- Sorting and reordering documentation of the recipes (1385) [Axel Lauer](
- Clarify installation instructions for ESMValCore from source (1389) [Bouwe Andela](
- Add example plots for consecdrydays and shapeselect recipes to documentation (1381) [PeterBergSMHI](
- Add documentation for IPCC AR5 fig 9.42a (1410) [Manuel Schlund](
- Removed 'field' check from ipcc_ar5/tsline.ncl diagnostic (1405) [Lisa Bock](
- Add recipe emergent constraints (1011) [Axel Lauer](
- Flexible cmip era validation (1364) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Update ERA-Interim recipes to OBS6 (1411) [Peter9192](
- Change OBS to OBS6 for ERA-Interim (1476) [Mattia Righi](
- Repair autoassess stratosphere (1417) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Update recipes and diagnostics to use simplified fx file definition in recipe (1272) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Updates to recipe_combined_indices.yml (1362) [Nuria Pérez-Zanón](
- Multimodel option for Capacity factor recipe (1276) [Nuria Pérez-Zanón](
- Port new sea ice diagnostics from v1.0 (1421) [Axel Lauer](
- Fix captions of various example figures in documentation (1427) [Jost von Hardenberg](
- Improved captions for BSC diagnostics (1424) [Nuria Pérez-Zanón](
- Enhancement of the documentation of some recipes (1439) [Björn Brötz](
- Remove R package ncdf4.helpers from list of dependencies (1449) [Bouwe Andela](
- Added TCR recipe and fig. 9.42b to Flato13 recipe (1445) [Manuel Schlund](
- Snow-albedo effect (1435) [Axel Lauer](
- Add recipe to prepare input for the MARRMoT hydrological model (1348) [Jaro Camphuijsen](
- Add recipe to prepare input for WFlow (1346, 1458, 1460) [Jaro Camphuijsen](
- Extension for histogram and resolution analysis funtionalities and minor improvements (1463) [Benjamin Müller](
- Add recipe anav13jclim.yml (1466) [Manuel Schlund](
- Added diagnostic and recipe of Wenzel et al. , J. Climate 29 (2016) (1448) [Manuel Schlund](
- Fixed ECS calculation when no input data is given (1453) [Manuel Schlund](
- Add types of data to README (1433) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Add diagnostic albedolandcover (1370) [bascrezee](
- Julia example diagnostic and recipe (1240) [Jost von Hardenberg](
- Add orcid of some authors to the list (1474) [SarahAlidoost](
- Diagnostic for multi-model oceanic field maps or bias against observations (1210) [Tomas Lovato](
- Add a sea mask to recipe_extreme_index.yml (1446) [Nuria Pérez-Zanón](
- Adapt diagnostics to ESMValCore no longer adding auxiliary coordinates (1485) [Javier Vegas-Regidor](
- Add Arctic Ocean diagnostics (721) [Nikolay Koldunov](
- Rename zonal_means to zonal_statistics (1491) [Mattia Righi](
- Continuously check recipe files are well formed (1213) [Javier Vegas-Regidor](
- Porting flato13 fig9.6 to version 2 (1384) [Bettina Gier](
- Document how to run multiple recipes via a rose suite (1262) [Valeriu Predoi](
- Fix case of no zero crossings for QBO metric computation (1290) [Valeriu Predoi](

Observational and re-analysis dataset support
- Fixed time coordinate of MTE (1258) [Manuel Schlund](
- Clean up recipe for checking datasets (1308) [Mattia Righi](
- Add CMORizer for ERA5 (1167, 1313, 1325) [Bouwe Andela](
- Add orography to ERA5 CMORizer (1419) [Peter9192](
- Add longwave radiation and surface pressure to ERA5 CMORizer (1431) [SarahAlidoost](
- Fix making latitude increasing for ERA5 (1471) [SarahAlidoost](
- Add CMORizer for CDS satellite lai fapar (1200) [bascrezee](
- Add CMORizer for duveiller 2018 (1186) [bascrezee](
- Add CMORizer for NSIDC-0116 (1066) [Javier Vegas-Regidor](
- Add CMORizer for piomas sit reanalysis (1064) [Javier Vegas-Regidor](
- Add CMORizer for NDP (1379) [Manuel Schlund](
- Add CMORizer for HWSD (1392) [Manuel Schlund](
- Add CMORizer for JMA-TRANSCOM (1399) [Manuel Schlund](
- Add CMORizer for fluxcom gpp (1229) [rswamina](
- Add CMORizer for CDS uerra reanalysis (1275) [bascrezee](
- Add CMORizer for CERES-EBAF Ed4.0 (1451) [Mattia Righi](
- Add CMORizer for GCP (1398) [Manuel Schlund](
- Add CMORizer for Merra2 (1457) [bascrezee](
- Add CMORizer for PHC3.0 (1459) [Nikolay Koldunov](
- Add CMORizer for OSI-450 dataset (1042) [Javier Vegas-Regidor](
- Re-implement ERA-interim CMORizer in Python and add extra variables (1297) [Stefan Verhoeven](
- Add orography, longwave radiation, surface pressure to ERA-interim cmorizer (1416, 1426) [SarahAlidoost](
- Add CMORizer for ERA-Interim Land (1338, 1423) [bascrezee](
- Automatic casting of CMORizer output data type (1402) [Manuel Schlund](
- Add logger message telling the user where the cmorizer scripts live (1464) [Valeriu Predoi](


This release includes
- Improved documentation
- Recipe Rainfarm is now fully implemented in Julia
- Recipe Diurnal Temperature Index was updated, sea is now masked out
- Recipes Heatwaves/Coldwaves, Toymodel, and Modes of Variability have been improved
- Recipe Autoassess Stratosphere has been improved and documented
- Recipe ZMNAM has better plots
- Added reformatting to CMOR standard for LAI3g, Eppley-VGPM-MODIS datasets
- A mistake was fixed in the units of the CRU dataset reformatting
- Human readable author tags and ORCIDs for many authors
- A bug in the diagnostic shared io module was fixed
- Added citation information

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