Major changes :
* The `espm.datasets.EDSespm` now inherits from the `exspy.signals.EDSTEMSpectrum` enabling all the corresponding functionalities.
* EDXS model : It is possible to add ignored elements such as Cu (`ignored_elements = ['Cu']`), so that it is fitted independently of the mass-thickness. It helps the fitting process for stray X-rays from the sample environment such as the Cu grid.
* Fitting of 1D spectra : Added functionalities to fit and quantify 1D spectra.
* Energy windows on which the bremsstrahlung is fitted can be set with the `select_background_windows` gui method. It also displays the fitted background.
Syntax changes :
* The methods setting the metadata that are relevant for modelling are now functionning like exspy. The microscope parameters are set using exspy's `set_microscope_parameters` method. The metadata of the `espm.datasets.EDSespm` object can be set using the `set_analysis_parameters` method.
* Currently, the beta_tilt has to be set using `data_object.metadata.Acquisition_instrument.TEM.Stage.beta_tilt = value`.
Technical changes :
* Update of the installation process by using pyproject.toml