- Adds support for OpenAPI specification files split into multiple files https://github.com/Neoteroi/mkdocs-plugins/issues/5 - Adds support for `externalDocs` and `tags` root properties
- Adds a new output style, to provide an overview of the API endpoints with PlantUML - Fixes two bugs caused by improper handling of OpenAPI Documentation without `components` https://github.com/Neoteroi/mkdocs-plugins/issues/9
- Adds features and a CLI to generate artifacts from OpenAPI Documentation files (markdown for MkDocs and PyMdown extensions, PlantUML class diagrams from components schemas) - Drops support for Python 3.6
- Adds `py.typed` file - Add `Python 3.10` to the GitHub Workflow
- Applies `isort` and enforces `isort` and `black` checks in CI pipeline - Adds support for examples defined using any class declaring a `dict` callable method, thus including `pydantic` models - Marks the package as `Production/Stable`