EstNLTK has gone through a major package restructuring and refactoring process.
Package restructuring
EstNLTK has been split into 3 Python packages:
* `estnltk-core` -- package containing core datastructures, interfaces and data conversion functions of the EstNLTK library;
* `estnltk` -- the standard package, which contains basic linguistic analysis (including Vabamorf morphological analysis, syntactic parsing and information extraction models), system taggers and Postgres database tools;
* `estnltk-neural` -- package containing linguistic analysis based on neural models (Bert embeddings tagger, Stanza syntax taggers and neural morphological tagger);
Normally, end users only need to install `estnltk` (as `estnltk-core` will be installed automatically).
Tools in `estnltk-neural` require installation of deep learning frameworks (`tensorflow`, `pytorch`), and are demanding for computational resources; they also rely on large models (which need to be downloaded separately).
* `Text`:
* method `text.analyse` is deprecated and no longer functional. Use `text.tag_layer` to create layers. Calling `text.analyse` will display an error message with additional information on migrating from `analyse` to `tag_layer`;
* added instance variable `text.layer_resolver` which uses EstNLTK's default pipeline to create layers. The following new layers were added to the pipeline: `'timexes'`,` 'address_parts`', `'addresses'`, `'ner'`, `'maltparser_conll_morph'`, `'gt_morph_analysis'`, `'maltparser_syntax'`,`'verb_chains'`, `'np_chunks'`
* Shallow copying of a `Text` is no longer allowed. Only `deepcopy` can be used;
* Renamed method: `text.list_layers` -> `text.sorted_layers`;
* Renamed property: `text.attributes` -> `text.layer_attributes`;
* `Text` is now a subclass of `BaseText` (from `estnltk-core`). `BaseText` stores raw text, metadata and layers, has methods for adding and removing layers, and provides layer access via indexing (square brackets). `Text` provides an alternative access to layers (layers as attributes), and allows to call for text analysers / NLP pipeline (`tag_layer`)
* `Layer`:
* Removed `to_dict()` and `from_dict()` methods. Use `layer_to_dict` and `dict_to_layer` from `estnltk.converters` instead;
* Shallow copying of a `Layer` is no longer allowed. Only `deepcopy` can be used;
* Renamed `Layer.attribute_list()` to `Layer.attribute_values()`;
* indexing attributes (`start`, `end`, `text`) should now be passed to the method via keyword argument `index_attributes`. They will be prepended to the selection of normal attributes;
* Renamed `Layer.metadata()` to `Layer.get_overview_dataframe()`;
* Method `Layer.add_annotation(base_span, annotations)`:
* now allows to pass `annotations` as a dictionary (formerly, `annotations` could be passed only as keyword arguments);
* `Annotation` object cannot be passed as a `base_span`;
* HTML representation: maximum length of a column is 100 characters and longer strings will be truncated; however, you can change the maximum length via `OUTPUT_CONFIG['html_str_max_len']` (a configuration dictionary in `estnltk_core.common`);
* `Layer` is now a subclass of `BaseLayer` (from `estnltk-core`). `BaseLayer` stores text's annotations, attributes of annotations and metadata, has methods for adding and removing annotations, and provides span/attribute access via indexing (square brackets). `Layer` adds layer operations (such as finding descendant and ancestor layers, and grouping spans or annotations of the layer), provides an alternative access to local attributes (via dot operator), and adds possibility to access foreign attributes (e.g. attributes of a parent layer).
* ` SpanList/Envelopingspan/Span/Annotation`:
* Removed `to_records()`/`to_record()` methods. The same functionality is provided by function `span_to_records` (from `estnltk_core.converters`), but note that the conversion to records does not support all EstNLTK's data structures and may result in information loss. Therefore, we recommend converting via functions `layer_to_dict`/`text_to_dict` instead;
* Method `Span.add_annotation(annotation)` now allows to pass `annotation` as a dictionary (formerly, `annotation` could be passed only as keyword arguments);
* Constructor `Annotation(span, attributes)` now allows to pass `attributes` as a dictionary (formerly, `attributes` could be passed only as keyword arguments);
* `Tagger`:
* trying to `copy` or `deepcopy` a tagger now raises `NotImplementedError`. Copying a tagger is a specific operation, requires handling of tagger's resources and therefore no copying should attempted by default. Instead, you should create a new tagger instance;
* `PgCollection`: Removed obsolete `create_layer_table` method. Use `add_layer` method instead.
* `estnltk.layer_operations`
* moved obsolete functions `compute_layer_intersection`, `apply_simple_filter`, `count_by_document`, `dict_to_df`, `group_by_spans`, `conflicts`, `iterate_conflicting_spans`, `combine`, `count_by`, `unique_texts`, `get_enclosing_spans`, `apply_filter`, `drop_annotations`, `keep_annotations`, `copy_layer` (former `Layer.copy()`) to `estnltk_core.legacy`;
* Renamed `Resolver` -> `LayerResolver` and changed:
* `default_layers` (used by `Text.tag_layer`) are held at the `LayerResolver` and can be changed;
* `DEFAULT_RESOLVER` is now available from `estnltk.default_resolver`. Former location `estnltk.resolve_layer_dag` was preserved for legacy purposes, but will be removed in future;
* Renamed property `list_layers` -> `layers`;
* HTML/string represenations now display default_layers and a table, which lists names of creatable layers, their prerequisite layers, names of taggers responsible for creating the layers and descriptions of corresponding taggers;
* Trying to `copy` or `deepcopy` a layer resolver results in an exception. You should only create new instances of `LayerResolver` -- use function `make_resolver()` from `estnltk.default_resolver` to create a new default resolver;
* Renamed `Taggers` -> `TaggersRegistry` and changed:
* now retaggers can also be added to the registry. For every tagger creating a layer, there can be 1 or more retaggers modifying the layer. Also, retaggers of a layer can be removed via `clear_retaggers`;
* taggers and retaggers can now be added as `TaggerLoader` objects: they declare input layers, output layer and importing path of a tagger, but do not load the tagger until explicitly demanded ( _lazy loading_ );
* Refactored `AnnotationRewriter`:
* tagger should now clearly define whether it only changes attribute values (default) or modifies the set of attributes in the layer;
* tagger should not add or delete annotations (this is job for `SpanAnnotationsRewriter`);
* Restructured `estnltk.taggers` into 3 submodules:
* `standard` -- tools for standard NLP tasks in Estonian, such as text segmentation, morphological processing, syntactic parsing, named entity recognition and temporal expression tagging;
* `system` -- system level taggers for finding layer differences, flattening and merging layers, but also taggers for rule-based information extraction, such as phrase tagger and grammar parsing tagger;
* `miscellaneous` -- taggers made for very specific analysis purposes (such as date extraction from medical records), and experimental taggers (verb chain detection, noun phrase chunking);
* _Note_: this should not affect importing taggers: you can still import most of the taggers from `estnltk.taggers` (except neural ones, which are now in the separate package `estnltk-neural`);
* `serialisation_map` (in `estnltk.converters`) was replaced with `SERIALISATION_REGISTRY`:
* `SERIALISATION_REGISTRY` is a common registry used by all serialisation functions (such as `text_to_json` and `json_to_text` in `estnltk_core.converters`). The registry is defined in the package `estnltk_core` (contains only the `default` serialization module), and augmented in `estnltk` package (with `legacy_v0` and `syntax_v0` serialization modules);
* Renamed `estnltk.taggers.dict_taggers` -> `estnltk.taggers.system.rule_taggers` and changed:
* `Vocabulary` class is replaced by `Ruleset` and `AmbiguousRuleset` classes
* All taggers now follow a common structure based on a pipeline of static rules, dynamic rules and a global decorator
* Added new tagger `SubstringTagger` to tag occurences of substrings in text
* Old versions of the taggers are moved to `estnltk.legacy` for backward compatibility
* Relocated TCF, CONLL and CG3 conversion utils to submodules in `estnltk.converters`;
* Relocated `estnltk.layer` to `estnltk_core.layer`;
* Relocated `estnltk.layer_operations` to `estnltk_core.layer_operations`;
* Moved functionality of `layer_operations.group_by_layer` into `GroupBy` class;
* Relocated `TextaExporter` to `estnltk.legacy` (not actively developed);
* Renamed `TextSegmentsTagger` -> `HeaderBasedSegmenter`;
* Renamed `DisambiguatingTagger` -> `Disambiguator`;
* Rename `AttributeComparisonTagger` --> `AttributeComparator`;
* Relocated Vabamorf's default parameters from `estnltk.taggers.standard.morph_analysis.morf_common` to `estnltk.common`;
* Merged `EnvelopingGapTagger` into `GapTagger`:
* `GapTagger` now has 2 working modes:
* Default mode: look for sequences of consecutive characters not covered by input layers;
* EnvelopingGap mode: look for sequences of enveloped layer's spans not enveloped by input enveloping layers;
* Refactored `TimexTagger`:
* removed `TIMEXES_RESOLVER` and moved all necessary preprocessing (text segmentation and morphological analysis) inside `TimexTagger`;
* `'timexes'` is now a flat layer by default. It can be made enveloping `'words'`, but this can result in broken timex phrases due to differences in `TimexTagger`'s tokenization and EstNLTK's default tokenization;
* `Vabamorf`'s optimization:
* Disabled [Swig proxy classes]( As a result, the morphological analysis is faster. However, this update is under testing and may not be permanent, because disabled proxy classes are known to cause conflicts with other Python Swig extensions compiled under different settings (for more details, see [here]( and [here](;
* Dropped Python 3.6 support;
* `Layer.secondary_attributes`: a list of layer's attributes which will be skipped while comparing two layers. Usually this means that these attributes contain redundant information. Another reason for marking attribute as _secondary_ is the attribute being recursive, thus skipping the attribute avoids infinite recursion in comparison;
* `Layer.span_level` property: an integer conveying depth of enveloping structure of this layer; `span_level=0` indicates no enveloping structure: spans of the layer mark raw text positions `(start, end)`, and `span_level` > 0 indicates that spans of the layer envelop around smaller level spans (for details, see the `BaseSpan` docstring in `estnltk_core.layer.base_span`);
* `Layer.clear_spans()` method that removes all spans (and annotations) from the layer. Note that clearing does not change the `span_level` of the layer, so spans added after the clearing must have the same level as before clearing;
* `find_layer_dependencies` function to `estnltk_core.layer_operations` -- finds all layers that the given layer depends on. Can also be used for reverse search: find all layers depending on the given layer (e.g. enveloping layers and child layers);
* `SpanAnnotationsRewriter` (a replacement for legacy `SpanRewriter`) -- a tagger that applies a modifying function on each span's annotations. The function takes span's annotations (a list of `Annotation` objects) as an input and is allowed to change, delete and add new annotations to the list. The function must return a list with modified annotations. Removing all annotations of a span is forbidden.
* Property `Layer.end` giving wrong ending index;
* `Text` HTML representation: Fixed "FutureWarning: The frame.append method is deprecated /.../ Use pandas.concat instead";
* `Layer.ancestor_layers` and `Layer.descendant_layers` having their functionalities swaped (`ancestor_layers` returned descendants instead of ancestors), now they return what the function names insist;
* `Span.__repr__` now avoids overly long representations and renders fully only values of basic data types (such as `str`, `int`, `list`);
* `SyntaxDependencyRetagger` now marks `parent_span` and `children` as `secondary_attributes` in order to avoid infinite recursion in syntax layer comparison;
* `PgCollection`: `collection.layers` now returns `[]` in case of an empty collection;
* `PgCollection`: added proper exception throwing for cases where user wants to modify an empty collection;