* Added CHANGELOG.md file.
* Added .readthedocs.yml file.
* Changed library description in README.md.
* All functions and classes have a reviewed docstring.
* Added `tqmd >= 4.65.0` as a depedency of the library.
* Fixed some bugs in `testing.TestResults()` class.
* Fixed some bugs in `cluster.NClusterSearch()` class.
* Fixed some bugs in `linear_model.LogisticRegression()` class.
* Now `linear_model.LogisticRegression()` has a `deviance` attribute.
* `testing.nested_models_test()` function now accepts `linear_model.LogisticRegression()` instances.
* `linear_model.stepwise.forward_selection()` function now accepts `linear_model.LogisticRegression()` instances.
* `linear_model.stepwise.both_selection()` and `linear_model.stepwise.backward_selection()` functions now accepts `verbose`, `formula_kwargs` and `fit_kwargs` parameters.