
Latest version: v4.0.0

Safety actively analyzes 682404 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


micc2 now allows for (nearly unlimited) levels of submmodules. This becomes really practical
when developing modules with submodules that in turn require C++ or f90 implementations (which
then are sub-submodules.

Cookiecutter is removed as dependency


Prior to v2 micc-build and micc were added as a dependency of every micc project with binary
extensions. As a consequence all their subdependencies were added too. Amongst others:

* numpy
* pybind11
* sphinx
* pytest
* sphinx-click
* sphinx-rt-theme
* ...

When creating a virtual environment these dependencies put the file systems of the VSC clusters

the idea is to put all dependencies we need in the user's site-packages.

* ``python -m pip install sphinx-rtd-theme (also installs sphinx)``
* ``python -m pip install sphinx-click (also installs click)``
* ``python -m pip install numpy``
* ``python -m pip install pybind11``
* ``python -m pip install pytest``
* ``python -m pip install poetry``
* ``python -m pip install micc2``

This duplicates all dependencies only once for each python version that the user
needs, which is much better than once per project. Also when working on the cluster,
even if the user creates his project on $VSC_SCRATCH instead of on $VSC_DATA the pressure
on the file system is much less.



Has known vulnerabilities

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