1. showing the current position in the timetag file during analysis 2. add `eta.cut_modifier_timeshift(cut, timeshift=0)` to allow shifting all the time bins in the timetag file
**NOTE: Qutag support and incremental_cut is completely broken in this version, use 0.6.4 instead (see 89)**
1. add DLCs 2. enable fullscreen for plotly in recipes
1. Drop ETA_LIB completely and swtich to pip
1. Upgrade to LLVM 7 2. add ETA_VERSION checks 3. Revert the downgrade of realtime recipe
**NOTE: site-packages from old ETA versions will be removed when installing this version! Make backups if necessary.**
1.web-based setup for back-end 2.sharing VIs, Timetaggers, and parameters across multiple groups
**NOTE: The Realtime recipe is downgraded mistakenly in this version. Use the one from the previous version**
1. minor UI updates 2. fixing the backend crashing issue when an unsupported file is used
**NOTE: trunc parameter in eta.simple_cut() is now changed to keep_indexes**