Agarwal uses fairlearn's latest release. Typed Arg Parsing Minor updates to typing library we use
* Add Zafar's algorithm * Add plotting function for mean-std box plots * Improve `evaluate_models()` massively * Add fair grid search * Add preliminary version of Hardt's algorithm * Internal improvements
* Made the Datatuple and Testtuple classes iterable * Added `Upsampler` pre-processing * Added CORELS algorithm for the ProPublica data * Improve documentation (thanks MylesBartlett ) * `InstalledModel` can now be configured to not download things * General bugfixes
and decided to make the name property of DataTuples optional. The DataTuple object is really useful for being able to store your data in an ad-hoc way, so we want to make sure that until there's a good reason not to, that this can remain part of your workflow.
This is our first release for EthicML - a researcher's toolbox for benchmarking fair ML models.
We hope that it's useful to you, but despite being on-par with other fair ml toolkits it still has a loooong way to go. So, if you come across an issue, or have a feature request, please either raise an issue or open a PR.