- New Features:
- Kinematic constraints have been implemented for 2-D S(q,w)-like data.
- A function ``euphonic.spectra.apply_kinematic_constraints(Spectrum2d, **kwargs) -> Spectrum2D``
is implemented which masks out inaccessible data, replacing it with NaN.
- Both direct-geometry and indirect-geometry are supported, by
using the appropriate argument to set incident or final neutron energy.
- This function is exposed to the ``euphonic-powder-map`` tool, so these
plots can be produced directly from the CLI.
- Some parameters from real-world instruments are collected in the
documentation for convenience.
- There is a new function ``euphonic.util.convert_fc_phases``, which converts
a force constants matrix which uses the atom coordinates in the phase
during interpolation (Phonopy-like), to one which uses the cell origin
coordinates (Euphonic, CASTEP-like).
- When importing q-point modes or frequencies from a CASTEP .phonon
file, a new option (``average_repeat_points=True``) allows
repeated entries (with the same q-point index) to be identified
and their weights divided down by the number of entries. This
option should give better statistics for sampling meshes that
include the Gamma-point with LO-TO splitting.
- Improvements:
- Documentation on the shape and format of the force constants, and how to
read them from other programs has been improved.
- The ``euphonic.util.get_qpoint_labels`` function, which is called when
importing band-structure data to identify and label significant points,
primarily identifies these points by searching for turning-points
in the band path. The function will now also pick up any q-point
that appears twice in succession. This is a common convention in
band-structure calculations and helps with edge-cases such as when
the path passes through a high-symmetry point without changing
direction. This may pick up some previously-missing points in
band-structure plots generated with ``euphonic-dispersion`` and
- Bug fixes:
- Allow read of ``phonopy.yaml`` quantities in ``'au'`` (bohr) units.
Previously this was interpreted as an astronomical unit by Pint.