* PR 801: feat / doc: example app that summarizes any youtube video with Python api
* PR 796: docs: Updating Docs based on feedback
* PR 787: feat: enable ray by default
* PR 777: feat: Hugging face entity extraction
* PR 789: feat: create table from select query
* PR 794: docs: bump python for docs
* PR 793: refactor: Create .git-blame-ignore-revs
* PR 784: feat: support relational apis
* PR 774: Improve create mat
* PR 785: fix: update mnist notebook
* PR 781: docs: minor updates
* PR 780: feat: add mnistCNN as builtin udf
* PR 779: docs: many minor updates
* PR 776: docs: update getting started page
* PR 775: docs: style updates
* PR 773: fix: gracefully handle missing config values
* PR 771: chore: improve logging of error messages
* PR 768: feat: create materialized view infers column name
* PR 770: tutorials: hugging face text summarizer, text classifier, + pdf loader
* PR 769: feat: load pdf
* PR 767: ci: improve docker support
* PR 751: feat: integration with langchain
* PR 764: feat: db apis made more pythonic
* PR 765: test: fix test case
* PR 753: chore
* PR 748: feat: common image transformation UDFs
* PR 731: feat: extensible parallel execution
* PR 750: release: automating the release script
* PR 745: fix docs build
* PR 744: docs: fix links
* PR 743: fix: hot fix for similarity notebook
* PR 700: docs: similarity search tutorial
* PR 741: docs: test links in documentation with linkcheck
* PR 740: docs: minor updates to read-the-docs
* PR 707: feat: add support for third party vector stores
* PR 738: feat: allow users to specify host and port while launching server
* PR 733: docs: enable spellcheck on all python files, notebooks, and docs
* PR 566: feat: object tracking
* PR 720: fix: similarity test
* PR 726: ci: bump up oldest python version from 3.7 to 3.8
* PR 729: docs: update notebooks on landing page