- `QueryArticles` and `QueryEvents`: When creating an instance of the class using a parameter that is a list (such as `conceptUri`, `categoryUri`, ...) you can (should) now provide the list using the `QueryItems.AND()` or `QueryItems.OR()` methods to explicitly define whether Boolean `AND` or `OR` should be used between the multiple items. If just a list is provided instead, a warning will be displayed in the console output. If a single value is used for the parameter, it is still perfectly ok to provide it directly as `string`.
- `QueryArticles` and `QueryEvents`: Added two new supported parameters `sourceLocationUri` and `sourceGroupUri`. Parameter `sourceLocationUri` can be used to specify a location URI (obtained with `EventRegistry.getLocationUri`) to use a set of news sources from a specific geographic location. The locations used can be cities or countries. `sourceGroupUri` can be used to use in search a set of news sources that belong to a manually curated list of news sources (such as top business related sources, top entertainment sources, ...). See next item to see how to find the values for this parameter.
- `EventRegistry` class. Added methods `suggestSourceGroups()` and `getSourceGroupUri()` that can be used to get the list of news source groups that match a given name/uri (`suggestSourceGroups()`) or the single top suggestion (`getSourceGroupUri()`). Source groups are that can be used to find or filter content to a specific set of publishers.
- when querying a list of articles, valid `sortBy` values are now also `sourceAlexaGlobalRank` (global rank of the news source) and `sourceAlexaCountryRank` (country rank of the news source).
- `SourceInfoFlags` flag `image` was added which, if `True` adds `image` and `thumbImage` fields to the returned source information.
- `QueryArticles` and `QueryEvents`: Default values for parameters `conceptUri`, `categoryUri` and other parameters that accept lists were changed from `[]` to `None` to reflect the preference for using `QueryItems` class when specifying an array of values.
- `QueryArticles` and `QueryEvents`: changed method `setArticleUriList()` to a static method `initWithArticleUriList()` to avoid mistakenly creating an instance with query parameters and additionaly caling the `setArticleUriList()`.
- `QueryArticles` and `QueryEvents`: method `initWithComplexQuery()` now accepts also query as a `string` value, not only instances of `ComplexArticleQuery` and `ComplexEventQuery`.
- `SourceInfoFlags` flag `importance` was changed to `ranking` since now we return multiple rankings for the source
- `SourceInfoFlags` flag `tags` was changed to `sourceGroups` since term `tags` was too generic.
- Articles data model has changed: `socialScore` property is now named `shares` to better represent the content. The returned object can now include also shares on Google Plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn. The name of the parameter `socialScore` in `ArticleInfoFlags` was also changed to `shares`.
- Source data model has changed: `importance` property was changed to an object `ranking` containing multiple indicators of source importance.
- when sorting articles, `sortBy` value `sourceImportance` is now deprecated. Use value `sourceImportanceRank`. Is is equvalent to reversed value of `sourceImportance` therefore also make sure to negate your existing value of `sortByAsc` value. The parameter was changed to make it comparable to added sorting options `sourceAlexaGlobalRank` and `sourceAlexaCountryRank` which also represent rankings (lower value means better value).
- `QueryArticles` and `QueryEvents`: removed the `conceptOper` parameter. It's functionality is now replaced by providing the array of values inside `QueryItems.AND()` or `QueryItems.OR()`.
- `QueryArticles` and `QueryEvents`: removed the utility methods `addConcept()`, `addLocation()`, `addCategory()`, `addNewsSource()`, `addKeyword()`, `setDateLimit()`, `setDateMentionLimit()`. The values of these parameters should be set when initializing the object. The methods were removed since users used static method `initWithComplexQuery()` and additionally calling these methods which had no effect on the results.
[v6.4.1](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/tree/6.4.1) (2016-04-11)
[Full Changelog](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/compare/6.3.1...6.4.1)
- Added a new query language that can be used to specify arbitrarily complex search queries with multiple subqueries. You can create the complex queries by defining them using the new `ComplexArticleQuery` and `ComplexEventQuery` classes and then passing them to `QueryArticles.initWithComplexQuery()` or `QueryEvents.initWithComplexQuery()`. Alternatively you can pass to the `initWithComplexQuery()` methods also a string containing the JSON object with query definition. The details of the query language are described separately for [event](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/wiki/Searching-for-events#advanced-query-language) and [article](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/wiki/Searching-for-articles#advanced-query-language) queries.
- `ArticleMapped`: method `getArticleUris` has additional parameter `includeAllVersions` where, if True, we return a dict where the `articleUrls` are keys and the value is a list with 0, 1 or more article URIs. More articles uris can occur if the article was updated several times article was updated several times.
- Examples folder was updated with various examples of uses of `QueryEventsIter`, `QueryArticlesIter` and `QueryEventArticlesIter`.
- Classes `GetRecentEvents` and `GetRecentArticles` were updated due to backend changes. If using these classes, you have to update the module to this version, otherwise the calls will not work anymore.
- additional changes to support Python 2.x and Python 3.x were made.
- From all `Get*Info` classes (`GetSourceInfo`, `GetConceptInfo`, ...) we removed the `queryById()` methods. The methods are not supported anymore due to the backend changes.
- Removed methods `QueryArticle.queryById()`, `QueryStory.queryById()` and `QueryEvent.queryById()` since it's not supported anymore by the backend.
- Removed static method `QueryArticle.initWithArticleIdList()` since it's not supported anymore by the backend.
- Removed class `RequestArticlesIdList` that was one of the return types when making `QueryArticles` queries.
- Use Octokit::Client for both .com and Enterprise [\455](https://github.com/skywinder/github-changelog-generator/pull/455) ([eliperkins](https://github.com/eliperkins))
[v6.3.1](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/tree/6.3.1) (2016-03-22)
[Full Changelog](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/compare/6.3.0...6.3.1)
- Iterator bug fixes
- Python 3 support
[v6.3.0](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/tree/6.3.0) (2017-03-06)
[Full Changelog](https://github.com/EventRegistry/event-registry-python/compare/6.2.2...6.3.0)
- Added method `setRequestedResult()` method to `QueryArticles`, `QueryEvents` and `QueryEvent` classes. The method overrides any previously set requested result (compared to method `addRequestedResult` that only adds an additional requested result).
- Changed constructor parameters in `GetRecentEvents` and `GetRecentArticles`.
- removed `EventRegistry.login()` method to login the user. The user should authenticate using the API key that he can obtain on [his settings page](https://newsapi.ai/dashboard).
Template for change log: