
Latest version: v3.4.0

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Backwards incompatible changes:

* Drop support for Python 3.8. Thanks, Rob!

Fixes and features:

* Add support for Python 3.13. (260) Thanks, Rob!

* Add support for underscore as first character in variable names in env files.

* Add ``ChoiceOf`` parser for enforcing configuration values belong in
specified value domain. (253)

* Fix ``autocomponentconfig`` to support components with no options. (244)

* Add ``allow_empty`` option to ``ListOf`` parser that lets you specify whether
empty strings are a configuration error or not. (268)



Backwards incompatible changes:

* Drop support for Python 3.7. (220)

Fixes and features:

* Add support for Python 3.12 (221)

* Fix env file parsing in regards to quotes. (230)



Fixes and features:

* Implement ``default_if_empty`` argument which will return the default value
(if specified) if the value is the empty string. (205)

* Implement ``parse_time_period`` parser for converting time periods like "10m4s"
into the total number of seconds that represents.


>>> from everett.manager import parse_time_period
>>> parse_time_period("4m")


* Implement ``parse_data_size`` parser for converting values like "40gb" into
the total number of bytes that represents.


>>> from everett.manager import parse_data_size
>>> parse_time_period("40gb")


* Fix an ``UnboundLocalError`` when using ``automoduleconfig`` and providing a
Python dotted path to a thing that either kicks up an ``ImportError`` or
doesn't exist. Now it raises a more helpful error. (201)



Fixes and features:

* Add support for Python 3.11. (187)

* Add ``raise_configuration_error`` method on ``ConfigManager``. (185)

* Improve ``automoduleconfig`` to walk the whole AST and document configuration
set by assign::

SOMEVAR = _config("somevar")

and dict::

"SOMEVAR": _config("somevar"),


* Fix options not showing up on ReadTheDocs. (186)



Backwards incompatible changes:

* Dropped support for Python 3.6. (176)

* Dropped ``autocomponent`` Sphinx directive in favor of

Fixes and features:

* Add support for Python 3.10. (173)

* Rework namespaces so that you can apply a namespace (``with_namespace()``)
after binding a component (``with_options()``) (175)

* Overhauled, simplified, and improved documentation. Files with example output
are now generated using `cog <https://pypi.org/project/cogapp/>`_.

* Rewrite Sphinx extension.

This now supports manually documenting configuration using
``everett:component`` and ``everett:option`` directives.

This adds ``:everett:component:`` and ``:everett:option:`` roles for linking
to specific configuration in the docs.

It also addsh ``autocomponentconfig`` and ``automoduleconfig`` directives for
automatically generating documentation.

When using these directives, items are added to the index and everything is
linkable making it easier to find and talk to users about specific
configuration items. (172)




* Fix Sphinx warning about roles in Everett sphinxext. (165)

* Fix ``get_runtime_config`` to work with slots (166)

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