------------------- * Update of the SDK library to be compatible with the latest release of NEF v1.6.1
------------------- * The SDK Library now communicates first with CAPIF server in order to discover the NEF endpoints
------------------- * News SDK Library CAPIFExposerConnector, that allows exposers to register to CAPIF and publish services * New CLI command evolved5G register-and-onboard-to-capif that allows NetApps to register their NetAPP to CAPIF via the command line
------------------- * Bug fix on import CAPIFConnector class from sdk
------------------- * New class at the Libraries: CAPIFConnector. Used in the CLI in order to onboard a netApp to CAPIF server * New class at the Libraries: ServiceDiscoverer. Used by developers in order to discover services (endpoints) via the CAPIF server * Bug fix on LocationSubscriber get_location_information()
------------------- * New verification tests have been implemented. Such verification tests are related to NetApp code and NetApp container image analysis. * The execution of the verification tests has been also simplify