
Latest version: v4.1.8

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1. Optimize the implementation of the inner function `time2second`.
2. Update the example code to provide examples in a recommended way.
1. 优化内部函数 `time2second` 的实现。
2. 更新示例代码以更推荐的方式提供示例。


1. The time parameter in `Retry` supports passing in the format of unit time (e.g., "1h2m3s").
2. Optimize a small amount of other code.
1. `Retry` 中的时间参数支持以单位时间(如 "1h2m3s")的格式传递。
2. 优化其它少量代码。


1. `TryExcept` and `TryContext` now support handling exceptions based on exception message strings and have added the functionality to negate exception types.
2. Both `Retry` and `Retry()` are now supported as valid syntax, as well as `TryExcept`.
3. Fixed an issue: The retry counter in `Retry` incorrectly started from zero. 4
4. Fixed an issue: The `stacklevel` positioning of the logger object was sometimes inaccurate. 5
5. Optimized exception output for `Retry`, adding display for `limit_time` and `event`.
6. Fixed a serious issue in `Retry` where exception information might be "spammed" output.
7. Added type checking for the parameter `etype`.
8. The internal default value for retry events has been changed to `None`.
9. Updated annotations, comments, and documentation files for the above changes.
1. `TryExcept` 和 `TryContext` 现在支持按异常消息字符串处理异常,并新增了异常类型取反的功能。
2. 同时支持 `Retry` 和 `Retry()` 作为有效语法,亦 `TryExcept`。
3. 修复问题:`Retry` 中重试计数器错误地从零开始。 4
4. 修复问题:日志记录器对象 `stacklevel` 定位有时不准确。 5
5. 优化了 `Retry` 的异常输出,增加了对 `limit_time` 和 `event` 显示。
6. 修复了 `Retry` 中可能会 “疯狂输出” 异常信息的严重问题。
7. 添加对参数 `etype` 的类型校验。
8. 重试事件的内部默认值修改为 `None`。
9. 针对以上改动更新注解,注释及自述文件。


1. This update mainly focuses on extensive functional enhancements and optimizations to the `Retry` decorator.
2. The `Retry` decorator now subtracts the runtime of the program from the interval time before each retry.
3. The `Retry` decorator by removing the type conversion for parameters `count` and `sleep`.
4. The `Retry` decorator adds a retry mechanism based on total execution time. 1
5. The `Retry` decorator adds a retry mechanism based on external event. 2
6. The `Retry` decorator Adds a retry mechanism based on exception message. 3
7. Completely remove the deprecated decorators `TryExceptAsync` and `RetryAsync`.
8. Add more detailed descriptions of internal exceptions.
9. Refactor module descriptions and update the readme file.


1. 此次更新主要对 `Retry` 装饰器进行了大量的功能增强和优化改动。
2. `Retry` 装饰器现在会在每次重试时,从间隔时间中减去程序的运行时间。
3. `Retry` 装饰器中移除对参数 `count` 和 `sleep` 的类型转换,若类型错误将直接抛出异常。
4. `Retry` 装饰器中添加基于总执行时间的重试机制。 1
5. `Retry` 装饰器中添加基于外部条件(或事件)的重试机制。 2
6. `Retry` 装饰器中添加基于异常消息的重试机制。 3
7. 彻底移除已弃用的装饰器 `TryExceptAsync` 和 `RetryAsync`。
8. 增加更详细的内部异常描述。
9. 重构模块描述,更新自述文件,确保准确反映当前功能和用途。


1. Optimize the type annotation for the `logger` parameter to accommodate a wider range of types.
1. 优化参数 `logger` 的类型注解,以适应更广泛的类型。

What's Changed
* 3.0.3 by 2018-11-27 in https://github.com/gqylpy/exceptionx/pull/23

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/gqylpy/exceptionx/compare/3.0.2...3.0.3


1. Fix an error in retrying asynchronous functions.
1. 修复针对异步函数重试的一个错误。

What's Changed
* 3.0.2 by 2018-11-27 in https://github.com/gqylpy/exceptionx/pull/21

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/gqylpy/exceptionx/compare/3.0.1...3.0.2

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