``exoscale.api.v2.Client`` improvements:
* Client initialization accepts two signatures: ``Client(key, secret, zone)`` for
typical use and ``Client(key, secret, url)`` when needing to target another
endpoint than the public endpoint template.
* Drop support for Python 3.7, add Python 3.12 to the testing matrix.
* Fix operations with multiple path parameters (`thomas-chauvet https://github.com/exoscale/python-exoscale/pull/57`)
* API changes and additions:
* DBaaS:
* integrations settings
* Split secrets over to separate endpoints
* Add zone to service details
* DNS record types cleanup
* Instance password reset operation
* Provide ``at-vie-2`` in the zones choices
* Block Storage operations and CSI addon
* Audit-trail format adjustments
* Add MAC address to private network attachments