- JUNGFRAU geometry can now be saved to and loaded from CrystFEL format
``.geom`` files - see the :doc:`JUNGFRAU example <jungfrau_geometry>`,
:meth:`.JUNGFRAUGeometry.write_crystfel_geom` and
:meth:`.JUNGFRAUGeometry.from_crystfel_geom` (:ghpull:`49`).
- Images can now be assembled from an ``xarray.DataArray`` with a dimension
named 'module' labelled with module numbers counting from 0 (:ghpull:`62`).
- Fix how ``coffset`` information is handled when reading CrystFEL geometry
files (:ghpull:`60`).
- :class:`.PNCCDGeometry`, added in 0.10, is now documented and tested
- New :doc:`faq` document (:ghpull:`51`)
- Avoid importing ``scipy.ndimage`` unnecessarily (:ghpull:`50`).