- Changed development status to beta. Going forward, the aim will be to minimize non backwards compatible changes to the API.
- Bump required Python version to 3.7 and make Numpy an optional dependency.
- Many function and method arguments are now explicitly keyword-only.
- Support for storing pupil size data and importing this information from ASC files.
- Added basic fixation tagging scheme, allowing you to tag fixations with arbitrary identifiers.
- Added `shift_start_time_to_zero` method to `FixationSequence` – shift all timings so that the first fixation starts at time 0.
- The color and radius of a fixation can be set for each fixation independently based on user-defined functions.
- The color of saccade lines can be set separately from the color of fixations.
- Option to set the opacity of fixations.
- When importing from ASC, 1ms is added to the end time for consistency with SR Research's calculation of duration.
- Fixations are now serialized as dictionaries, which will permit greater flexibility in the future.
- The functions `io.read` and `io.write` have been deprecated in favor of `io.load` and `io.save`.
- The functions `tools.snap_to_lines`, `tools.discard_short_fixations`, and `tools.discard_out_of_bounds_fixations` have been deprecated; these are now methods of `FixationSequence`.
- `Image.draw_sequence_comparison` has been removed since this can now be accomplished with `Image.draw_fixation_sequence`.