Embed templates
- Embed templates can now be overridden with custom embeds
- Templates can now be sent as a normal message instead of an interaction response
- New embed templates: `info`, `warning`
- All message arguments can now be passed in when sending a template, e.g. `ephemeral`, `view`, `delete_after` or `file`
- It's now possible to set a different embed title each time the template is used
- Colors can now be passed in as a string (`"black"` instead of `colorama.Fore.BLACK`)
- Added support for log messages with a custom level name
- Log messages can now be sent to a Discord webhook
- Cog logs are now customizable
- It's now possible to disable the full traceback, to only show the important traceback part
- Log messages can now be formatted with `**`, to make parts of the log message colored
Other improvements
- Language settings and embed templates are now cached to improve reaction time
- `ignored_cogs` should now work properly when loading cogs
- Examples are now display in the documentation