
Latest version: v0.6.4

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Dynamic Language (47)
- Added **multi-language** support: Set the `language` to `auto` to automatically use the interaction locale
- Provide a `default_language` if the interaction locale is not available

- Added `utils.count_lines`
- Added `bot.cmd_count` property
- Added more template variables for embeds that were previously only available in the status changer (42)
- Added custom variable support for the help command (48)
- Added month detection for `utils.convert_to_seconds`
- Blacklist commands are now customizable and can be disabled (41)

- Fixed help command in DMs when a command had default permissions set
- Fixed database type of `dt` when using `blacklist.get_full_bans`
- **Note:** This does not automatically change if you already have an active blacklist database (44)
- Fixed interaction responses for blacklist commands
- Fixed missing key error for custom language files
- Fixed `conv_json` and `foreign_keys` for single DB connections


- Added `fill` parameter for `DBHandler.one`
- Help command categories are now sorted alphabetically
- Slightly changed default error messages
- Custom language files can now contain single key-value pairs
- Activities in `bot.add_status_changer` can now be passed without a list

Bug Fixes
- Fixed type hints for `ezcord.EzContext` and `ezcord.Bot`
- Fix `Unexpected parameter` warning for embed templates
- Fixed `CheckFailure` error handling
- Fixed offset-naive datetimes for `times.convert_dt`
- Fixed command groups and checks for discord.py help command
- [Upstream] Pycord [fixed](https://github.com/Pycord-Development/pycord/pull/2297) `disable_on_timeout` for ephemeral messages, Ezcord will now prevent `NotFound` errors when a non-ephemeral message has been deleted.


- EzCord now officially supports Discord.py!

Pycord Context
- Added `EzContext` (Pycord only)
- Embed templates can now be used directly with the context in application commands

Other changes
- `CheckFailure` errors are now handled by the default error handler
- Added `ErrorMessageSent` exception to simplify error messages for users
- The `setup` method in `DBHandler` classes is now called for each instance
- Changed the default help command timeout to `None`
- Fixed some rare help command edge cases
- Embed templates can now be used with the `content` parameter


- Added blacklist feature
- Added option to log to console and file simultaneously
- Fixed cog description for help command categories
- Fixed task import for status changer


New features
- Added status changer
- Added `utils.codeblock`
- Added `utils.random_avatar`
- Added options for help command: `show_cmd_count`, `permission_check`

- Added option to enforce foreign keys
- Added option to autoconvert JSON data
- Options can now be passed into the `self.start` context manager to override or extend class options
- Added alias methods `execute` and `connect`
- Renamed `transaction` to `auto_connect` to avoid confusion

Bug fixes and changes
- Fixed `auto_setup` when creating a class instance in an `on_ready` event
- Fixed `auto_setup` for multiple classes of the same type
- If `subdirectories=True` in `bot.load_cogs`, subdirectories will now be loaded recursively
- `times.convert_to_seconds` can now raise an error no valid string is given
- Fixed a rare issue when creating internal config files. All config data is now stored in memory.
- `utils.create_json_file` now accepts keyword arguments for `json.dumps`
- Added `EzcordException` as a base exception class


- Added a context manager for database transactions
- Fixed compatibility with Nextcord and other libraries

- Added a [sample repository](https://github.com/tibue99/ezcord-template)
- Added CI checks to ensure compatibility with other Discord libraries (9)

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