
Latest version: v0.3.5

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Fixed new installations

Bug fixes

- Pinned tornado to < 6.3 to avoid issues with environment no longer being static
- https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/wsgi.html#tornado.wsgi.WSGIContainer.environ:~:text=Changed%20in%20version%206.3%3A%20No%20longer%20a%20static%20method.
- https://github.com/lepture/python-livereload/issues/270
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/76182748/pyfyre-typeerror-wsgicontainer-environ


Adding a fix for macos installations

Bug Fixes

- Fixed macos install bugs


The focus for this release was adding features that were not finalized in time for the `0.3.0`-`0.3.2` releases, and cleaning up some bugs.


- Added `required_config` section to theme metadata that's used:
- on initialization to generate the `config.yml` file
- on build to cancel the build if a required value is missing from `config.yml`
- Added section command (**note** `ezcv theme -s <section name>` **will no longer work**)
- use `ezcv section <section name>` to get information
- use `ezcv section <section name> [<type>]` to create a new section (note *type* is only required for any non-markdown sections i.e. blogs [can be "blog" or "b"] or galleries [can be "gallery" or "g"]). See [cli documentation](https://ezcv.readthedocs.io/en/latest/cli/) for full usage details
- Added deepsource integration
- Added issue template for creating new themes


- Added `massively`
- Added `blog`
- Added `evie`
- Added `parallax`

Bug Fixes

- Fixed bug with downloading `aerial` theme from remote
- Fixed bug where `ezcv_version` was generated incorrectly in the metadata
- Fixed a bug where a theme without a `metadata.yml` file would not load properly


More minor fixes

Bug Fixes

- Included missing `flask` dependency


Minor fixes related to release

Bug Fixes

- Fixed broken previews on documentation site
- Included missing `livereload` dependency

Documentation improvements

- Added additional theme provider suggestions


The focus for this release is on adding blog support, QoL features and making ezcv a more well rounded static site builder. There will be a few items released in `0.3.1` that were meant for `0.3.0`, but due to the need for `python -m ezcv` in order for github pipelines to work this release is going out now.


- Blog posts
- Theme Metadata
- Adding an optimized mode for builds to increase site performance
- Added ability to create and use custom ad-hoc filters; pass a list of function objects (called `extra_filters`) to ezcv.generate_site()
- Added ability to directly invoke ezcv through python binary after installation python -m ezcv
- Added ability to specify a remote URl for `config.yml` theme variable
- Added continuous previewing to `ezcv -p`
- Added option to initialize with flask `ezcv init -f`
- Added `python -m ezcv` invocation
- Added logging to files so attached loggers can get details for troubleshooting (logging.info and logging.debug are recommended settings)


- Added ability to embed theme metadata
- Added blog section to existing themes
- dimension
- grayscale
- solid_state
- read_only

Bug Fixes

- Added missing `highlightjs` to all themes for code blocks
- Fixed bugs with preview loading in included themes docs

Documentation improvements

- Added sections documenting new features
- Rearranged included themes section to be alphabetical
- Added section outlining sequence diagram for site generation
- Added additional resources to help generating content
- Added notice thanking theme providers

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