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Last formula is rt ~ Tsyl * Tconsistency * Texp_type + (1 | sub) + (1 | word)
It is True

structure(list(optimizer = c("bobyqa", "bobyqa"), restart_edge = FALSE,
boundary.tol = 1e-05, calc.derivs = TRUE, use.last.params = FALSE,
checkControl = list(check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", check.nobs.vs.nlev = "stop",
check.nlev.gtreq.5 = "ignore", check.nlev.gtr.1 = "stop",
check.nobs.vs.nRE = "stop", check.rankX = "message+drop.cols",
check.scaleX = "warning", check.formula.LHS = "stop",
check.response.not.const = "stop"), checkConv = list(
check.conv.grad = list(action = "warning", tol = 0.002,
relTol = NULL), check.conv.singular = list(action = "message",
tol = 1e-04), check.conv.hess = list(action = "warning",
tol = 1e-06)), optCtrl = list(), tolPwrss = 1e-07,
compDev = TRUE, nAGQ0initStep = TRUE), class = c("glmerControl",

AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
1154.7 1238.6 -563.4 1126.7 2949

Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-12.6202 0.0779 0.1333 0.2355 1.5329

Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
sub (Intercept) 0.6066 0.7789
Tconsistency:Texp_type:Tsyl 9.7847 3.1281 -0.42
word (Intercept) 1.9689 1.4032
Tsyl 0.2071 0.4551 -0.38
Number of obs: 2963, groups: sub, 63; word, 24

Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.86603 0.36318 10.645 <2e-16 ***
Tconsistency -0.04753 0.18683 -0.254 0.7992
Tsyl 1.21924 0.67597 1.804 0.0713 .
Texp_type 0.09272 0.27942 0.332 0.7400
Tconsistency:Tsyl -0.17766 0.43592 -0.408 0.6836
Tconsistency:Texp_type 0.28310 0.37609 0.753 0.4516
Tsyl:Texp_type -0.17390 0.37440 -0.464 0.6423


Chisq Df Pr(>Chisq)
(Intercept) 113.312500 1.0 1.843117e-26
Tconsistency 0.064721 1.0 7.991846e-01
Tsyl 3.253332 1.0 7.127843e-02
Texp_type 0.110122 1.0 7.400057e-01
Tconsistency:Tsyl 0.166094 1.0 6.836064e-01
Tconsistency:Texp_type 0.566598 1.0 4.516140e-01
Tsyl:Texp_type 0.215742 1.0 6.423036e-01
Tconsistency:Tsyl:Texp_type 2.525201 1.0 1.120405e-01
Last formula is ifcorr ~ Tconsistency * Tsyl * Texp_type + (1 + Tconsistency:Texp_type:Tsyl | sub) + (1 + Tsyl | word)
It is True

[[[[ ifanimal = True ]]]]

structure(list(optimizer = c("bobyqa", "bobyqa"), restart_edge = FALSE,
boundary.tol = 1e-05, calc.derivs = TRUE, use.last.params = FALSE,
checkControl = list(check.nobs.vs.rankZ = "ignore", check.nobs.vs.nlev = "stop",
check.nlev.gtreq.5 = "ignore", check.nlev.gtr.1 = "stop",
check.nobs.vs.nRE = "stop", check.rankX = "message+drop.cols",
check.scaleX = "warning", check.formula.LHS = "stop",
check.response.not.const = "stop"), checkConv = list(
check.conv.grad = list(action = "warning", tol = 0.002,
relTol = NULL), check.conv.singular = list(action = "message",
tol = 1e-04), check.conv.hess = list(action = "warning",
tol = 1e-06)), optCtrl = list(), tolPwrss = 1e-07,
compDev = TRUE, nAGQ0initStep = TRUE), class = c("glmerControl",

AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
2552.0 2623.5 -1264.0 2528.0 2860

Scaled residuals:
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-8.7546 -0.4536 0.1925 0.4666 5.4167

Random effects:
Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr
sub (Intercept) 1.038 1.019
Texp_type:Tsyl 2.419 1.555 0.00
word (Intercept) 3.469 1.863
Number of obs: 2872, groups: sub, 63; word, 24

Fixed effects:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.135028 0.406319 2.793 0.00522 **
Tconsistency -0.096182 0.103621 -0.928 0.35330
Tsyl -0.444964 0.776396 -0.573 0.56657
Texp_type 0.004431 0.277624 0.016 0.98727
Tconsistency:Tsyl -0.203821 0.207274 -0.983 0.32544
Tconsistency:Texp_type -0.017661 0.207077 -0.085 0.93203
Tsyl:Texp_type 0.334764 0.287888 1.163 0.24490





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