
Latest version: v0.9.0

Safety actively analyzes 665704 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Windows support and some fixes (check issues tab)


Support for regexp in target data match by name

Now you can make dependency target data reach more targets using regexp.


Some improvements.

The main thing is the name of folder inside vendor path. All names now dont include the version when github is used. It let anyone make a reference to the same name inside vendor folder.


Support to any command execution for targets

Now you can execute any command on target if it has support, for example:
> ezored target build any_target
> ezored target test any_target


Refactoring and lots of enhancements

Check all issues to see what changed. The sample app project was updated too.


Build system refactored

Now, instead of call a build.py file, it load a module(target or dependency) and call "do_build" inside it.

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