
Latest version: v1.0.1

Safety actively analyzes 666166 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies


Long and short, the `su` command was broken and needed fixing.

Here is the fix!


This is the first major release, after testing, documentation, and all features have been implemented.

This is expected to be functional and useful.

This is also the first auto-published release to PyPI.

What's Changed
* Prokopto-dev/issue4 by prokopto-dev in https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/pull/5
* Prokopto dev/issue3 by prokopto-dev in https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/pull/6
* Prokopto-dev/issue7 by prokopto-dev in https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/pull/8
* Create python-app.yml by prokopto-dev in https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/pull/9
* Adding testing action? by prokopto-dev in https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/pull/10
* Deploy releases by prokopto-dev in https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/pull/11
* Updating build tag number for 1.0.0 release by prokopto-dev in https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/pull/12

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/prokopto-dev/fabric-plus/compare/0.1.0...1.0.0


This release is simply an initial release of the tool to `PyPI`.



Has known vulnerabilities

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