* Redis improvements
* Make bind and port arguments explicit
* Improve documentation
* Upgrade default version to 2.6.16
* Python improvements
* Improve support for using specific Python interpreters (**warning**:
API changes)
* Expose low-level virtualenv operations
* Improve pip installation
* Switch from distribute to setuptools 0.7+ after project merge
(**warning**: API changes)
* Do not install `curl` and `python-dev` packages when setuptools
is already installed (ponty)
* Make package names case-insensitive in python.is_installed
* Fix pip version parsing when using ``pythonbrew switch``
* Fix ``require.system.locales`` when a prefix is set
* Fix require.system.locale() on fresh Ubuntu systems
* Add optional environment variables in crontab
* Fix crontab permissions
* Allow special characters in MySQL password (Régis Behmo)
* Fix bug with some services not starting correctly (Chris Marinos)
* Add ``getdevice_by_uuid`` to the disk module (Bruno Adele)
* Fix implicit directory name in ``git.working_copy`` (iiie)
* Make ``require.sysctl`` robust to procps start failure