* Fixed undefined behavior when landmarks are provided in advance but not for all the image files. Now only those image files will be processed for which the landmarks are specified.
* Fixed undeclared `paddings` variable when landmarks are provided in advance. `paddings` are now set to `None` indicating images are unpadded.
* Fixed garbage outputs when `Cropper` is instantiated multiple times.
* Fixed documentation typos. I realized that _neckless_ means a being without a neck, not a _necklace_. Big brane.
* Changed default `padding` to `constant` (to avoid heads coming out of heads)
* Changed default `enh_threshold` to `None` (to avoid unnecessarily wasting time on enhancement)
* Added `desc` argument in `process_dir` which allows to specify the description for the progress bar (useful when calling the function multiple times) or disable it if specified as `None`
* Added a utility function `clean_names` to rename file names (with an in-place option) to be cross-os-compatible.