
Latest version: v2.11.4

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1. Setup.py is the file which installs facebookads packages. Adding adobjects module to this.



1. The new SDK is an improved SDK version, autogenerated using our Marketing API. Hence there is greater coverage to features provided by our API.
2. The adobjects folder contains separate classes for every ad object and possible CRUD operation on these objects can be based on the presence/absence of api_create, api_get, api_update and api_delete methods.
3. This SDK also contains all the breaking changes for v2.6 API version and is compatible with the manual (legacy) SDK. The legacy branch contains the v2.6 version of the manual SDK. We will continue to maintain it till v2.7 is released.
4. The objects.py file is maintained only for compatibility to existing code, it is advisable to start using the individual files under the adobjects folder directly.


1. status is not a valid field under ad objects. It needs to be passed as a parameter during create/update calls
2. Fixing duplicaiton of Aggregation fields on AdsPixel class
3. Adding back the AdGroupPreview equivalent class and reaming AdPreview to GeneratePreview


- Renaming across the API to point to campaigns, adset and ad instead of older adcampaigngroup, adcampaign and adgroup.
- Breaking changes in [change log](https://developers.facebook.com/docs/marketing-api/changelog) incorporated
- Lead Ads has been released, and the SDK now supports this API.
- Minimum Budgets endpoint support
- Labels API support incorporated


- Fixed a bug with the AsyncJob object
- Added support for adcreativesbylabels for Labels API

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